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I am absolutely thrilled by the love and support I've received for this book, Meera, Kabir and their journey.

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude as the story has now crossed 1.5k reads. To celebrate this milestone, I have some questions I'd love to hear your answers to.

Your thoughts are eagerly awaited – please join this QnA session and share your replies politely.

You can choose to answer all the questions or only the ones you want.

So, here we go-

1. How did you discover this story?

2. Share your all-time favorite scene from the book.

3. Is there a particular line from the book that stands out as your favorite?

4. Meera or Kabir – who's your favorite character, and what makes them special to you?

5. What's one thing you really enjoyed about the book?

6. Were there any aspects of the book that you didn't like or wanted to change?

7. Did you relate to any of the characters in the story? If so, which one and why?

8. If you could ask one question to a character from the book, what would it be, and to which character would you address it?

9. Who do you imagine as the perfect actors to represent Meera and Kabir?

10. Something for me, whether it's appreciation, questions, suggestions, or constructive criticism.

11. Is there anything else you'd like to tell about the book?

I'm excited to hear your thoughts!

Once again, a heartfelt thank you for being amazing readers and supporters. Wishing you all happy reading adventures ahead!

With gratitude,

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