chapter 35

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Elsa's mouth was wide agape to what she heard. She couldn't even speak for some good seconds. What was going on right now?

"Wait, what?... What are you talking about?"

Jeremy was pleased with her reaction. He was thinking he had caught her on something.

"This file will prove that you tried to get someone to clean up your trail when you couldn't just kill off Gwen. When you couldn't just become Elsa and leave off Gwen. So you had them make it look like you just changed your name from Gwen to elsa. When in reality, you were just Gwen the entire time.

"Was this, 'I changed my name' a way to help just in case you got caught with two identities?"

The Rowlands had initially gone with Gwen changing her name when they were tampering with Elsa's records.

Which was in the nick of time because as soon as they were done, Jeremy got access to them.

But, there was certain things that they couldn't erase completely.

So, they made Elsa to be Gwen's persona from a while back that she was trying to completely turn into, and get rid of Gwen entirely.

It was way easier if Elsa had already existed before now. That would explain some of the loopholes they couldn't cover, and have the puzzle fixed entirely.

When Jeremy was doing his digging, he was informed by his private investigator, that Elsa was not just someone Gwen became when she died. She was someone she had created and built a life for. A whole other persona.

She wanted to erase Gwen's existence, probably because of the people Gwen had rubbed off wrong, and just be Elsa. She had someone change Gwen into Elsa so that Gwen would be nonexistent.

It was hard but easy at the same time.

Because Elsa was already given a life. With a life, ID, credit cards, apartment.. She had existed. Not someone she was changing into when she faked her own death.

Elsa was someone she already had in her back pocket in case something went wrong.

With the proof infront of him, he believed it.

"How will you explain two IDs with both your fingerprints on the government records saying different names of you to show different people."

"Oh my god!... What?!" Elsa exclaimed.

How is that possible?

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you would get into? You have two social security numbers, two IDs, two driver's license... Both belonging to you. If I take this to court, you will charged with fraud."

Elsa's legs suddenly got very weak she could barely keep herself standing. This didn't feel real, this felt like a bad dream. How in the world was this even possible? Who is doing this?

Because there must be someone behind it!

'Someone trying to morph me into Gwen. Or Gwen into me?

"Whichever is which, this all cannot be a coincidence.

'Now what? I never had a sister? Gwen was just me? Is this what they want to tell me?"

"Do you know how long you spend in prison for fraud Miss Halverson?"

Jeremy asked, enjoying the tension he had created. Enjoying the pale complexion on Elsa's face.

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