chapter 41

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It was getting very dark and Elsa decided to go home first and then figure this all out there.

She put her phone, the urn and papers in her handbag then started walking out of the shores towards the road.

She stood by the side of the road waiting for a cab when suddenly a black van stopped next to her. The door opened and two men jumped out, grabbed Elsa by her wrists, and started dragging her into the van.

"What are you doing?... Let me go!... Let me go!..."

"Let me go! Help! Help!..." Elsa shouted in fear.

Elsa kept screaming in panic as she struggled. Kicking, pulling and trying to break free from their hold and get her hands back.

Only for one of those men who was dressed in black from head to toe, to pull out a knife and place the sharp side of it on her throat.

"Calm down Viper, or it will get ugly!" He warned with a deep voice.

Elsa immediately froze and turned to look at him. He was so rough and ragged looking with soulless eyes that screamed danger.

Seeing her not struggling anymore, they pushed her into the van and got in themselves. Closed it, then drove off at a high-speed.

One of them was seated next to elsa as the other drove. He kept the knife on her.

He kept staring at her which made Elsa shiver. After some good minutes, he raised her chin with the knife while looking into her eyes.

"Aren't you usually sly and hard to catch? Why don't you dare to show off that smart mouth to us?" He asked with a chuckled.

Elsa's expression changed when she heard what the man said. Did these two people know her? Or think they knew her?

"W-Who are you guys?"

"You don't remember us Viper?... Come on don't be like that?" He said sounding fake hurt.

"Why did he call me viper, twice?' Elsa asked herself but she didn't dare to ask out loud.

Elsa had her heart in her throat the entire drive. She wanted to ask who they were, what they wanted from her and where thet were taking her but she had zero courage to.

She just hugged herself in a cowardly manner as she prayed they won't kill her.

After a few minutes, the car stopped and the two men dragged her out again.

As if being kidnapped wasn't enough, as if having a knife on her throat wasn't chilling enough... Just when Elsa thought it couldn't get more scary, the location they took her to turned out to be the exact same place she drove Gwen to bring the liver some good
weeks ago.

Yes! The exact same building Gwen had scheduled to sell the liver to some man, only to end up running away with his money without giving him the liver.

The exact building a man with a gun came out of and started the shooting at them.

Elsa felt her knees get weak. She would have tried to run away if it wasn't for the tight grip on her left wrist forcing her inside the tall building.

The men said some passcode, or password, before the door was opened and they were let in.

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