𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Did you all read chapter three for homework?" I question, raising my voice over the muttering going on amongst some students. I pick up my book while looking around.

It's been a week since I've begun teaching here, it's different compared to my last school, the students are much more...talkative here and for some reason I decided to be nice last week and now they all just talk talk talk.

I've gotten no response.

"Have you all lost the ability to speak suddenly?" I question, pushing in my chair before I lean back against the white board.

I look around while some heads go down, some begin whispering to the person beside them. I tap the back of the book against the palm of my other hand as I try to keep my patience.

"I'm going to take that as a yes, you all should have it read since it's all I asked for you to do. You had three days to read one chapter." I say leaning off the board, dropping the book down on my desk before grabbing my marker.

"I will put questions up on the board, just about chapter three. I will give you...twenty minutes to answer them." I tell them while writing the questions up.

I stop writing as the talking grows again.

"I shouldn't hear muttering, I shouldn't hear anything, if you have a question, wait and raise your hand." I speak up and the room goes quiet again.

It will start again, I swear I almost lost my voice Friday because of them, not just this class, all of them. This is why I am hard on students on the first day so they know to shut up when told to.

I told Diana about it, saying that I should have been hard on them from the start but of course she told me to be nice that their my students and I should care about helping them rather than being hard on them.

She also hates me leaving bed in the morning for work, I left her a note this morning since I tried my best not to wake her but when I gave her a kiss on the forehead as a goodbye but she did wake up and started mumbling, telling me to come back to bed.

I put the lid on the marker before turning around, I pull out my chair while looking around to most of the students writing.

I sit down before opening my laptop, the room is quiet now, just the sound of paper rustling or a student coughing then it goes silent.

I turn my wrist, checking the time on my watching before I glance up to a student with their hand raised.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I don't understand the second question." He tells me, I stand up while some people start whispering again.

I walk down to the student, Regans, desk looking over his shoulder to his copybook. I read his answer for the first question.

"Well, first, redo question one because that isn't a full sentence." I whisper pointing at it before he nods slightly.

"I don't have my book though." He tells me and I nod.

"Julian, could you share your book with Regan?" I ask and he quickly nods in response, I hold out my hand for the book and he hands it to me.

"Thanks, Julian." I say before flipping through the book searching for chapter three.

I stop at the chapter handing the book to Julian.

"Read the questions so you have an idea what you are looking for, full sentences too, discuss the question at the beginning of your answer." I tell him and he nods.

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