𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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"Do you like that one?" Natalie asks, resting her hip against the counter while I sit on top of it,  trying some cake, I nod quickly.

"It's delicious—the cake like melts on my tongue." I say and I pick some more cake up on the fork feeding Natalie as she looks at me. She pulls back nodding.

"It's very tasty." She blocks her mouth and I nod, I pick up another paper plate with a cake slice which is covered in some plastic wrap with a white sticker that has the flavour name on it.

"I wanna try this one." I say as Sadie runs down the hall followed by Dorothea. I look to them and Natalie sighs.

"Dorothea, leave her alone." Natalie raises her voice, Sadie runs around the counter putting her paws up, I lean over scratching her head.

"Hello." I smile.

"Come on, we need to get this done. Focus on the animals later." Natalie speaks and I huff pulling away from Sadie.

I take the plastic wrap off and set it down before taking some cake on my fork and eating it, I hand Natalie the fork and she does the same.

I cringe at the sweet and sour taste in my mouth, Natalie also makes a weird look making me feel as if we have the same opinion on this.

"I think just red velvet and vanilla." I speak and Natalie sets the fork down before going over the trash can spitting into it.

"I agree, it's simple but nice." She walks closer, wrapping the cake again.

"Did you find a cake design?" I look at her, I told Natalie she has to pick our cake because I've chosen almost everything and I feel bad. She's just agreeing to everything. Literally everything. I actually ended up giving out to her because of it, she's saying she loves everything I love but seriously...I want her to make a few decisions too because it's our day not just mine and I feel bad.

"Mhm, it's on my phone." She says and I pick up her phone on the counter handing it to her. She scrolls through it and I wait, tapping my feet quickly, impatiently.

She shows me a picture of a white three layered cake, fake roses going down the right side of the cake while little edible pearls which are spaced out go around the rest of the cake. There's bigger pearls around the bottom of each layer, it's actually pretty.

"We can change some things and add a topper with our wedding date on it or something." She says and I nod before a realisation hits me.

"Are you getting pearls on the cake because you know I'm wearing a pearl necklace?" I ask, she found the necklace I'm wearing last week while snooping. She looks at me before looking away.

"Guilty." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I didn't even think about that. It fits our theme—"

"It fits my outfit."

"A bonus for you then, hm?" She smiles and I shake my head.

We should have sorted the cake out last month but we took a break coming up to Halloween which is in two weeks. There's still over a month until the wedding and the nerves are definitely setting in—so much to the point we're not having sex. Which is stupid—but it's been two weeks and I'm not upset about it...It's just weird, we're getting nervous around each other constantly. It's also been less touchy, even going to sleep, we're not as cuddled up as we usually are.

"I'm getting too old for this, I hope you know." Natalie speaks as Maria does her eyeliner.

"No you are not." Maria responds.

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