
794 25 0

Angel Reese-Johnson

"Perfect, now turn your head to the left slightly" the photographer said before I did as instructed, "Beautiful baby"

I continued to pose as she took photos before Flau'jae joined. We're finally taking our maternity photos, and I'm excited.

Time is going by quick, and I'm getting bigger every second. The closer we get to me giving birth, the more nervous I get.

Fuck nervous bitch I'm scared.

I have ten weeks left and honestly that's just around the corner. It's closer than it sound, which freaks me out.

"Now look at each other" the photographer said before we did just that

"I can't stare for that long" I said now looking away and at the photographer

"I don't make you that nervous, it was two seconds. She didn't get the picture, mamas" Flau'jae said before I sighed

"Just give me a second" she started laughing as I just stood there tryna get it together

I promise I'll get over her making me nervous eventually. Just not now, she makes me wanna piss myself.

"If y'all don't want to do that pose, I can give y'all another one" the photographer said causing me to chuckle

"No, she just being her typical self" Flau'jae said causing me to laugh, she doesn't understand.

It take so much for me to make eye contact with her for longer than two or three seconds. I don't know why she's acting like she's not the same way.

I got myself together before we took the picture. We ended up taking more together and individually before finishing.

"I was looking at pit bulls the other day" Flau'Jae said as we sat in the truck, "And I found one I like"

"You keep talking about this dog"

"Cause bae I want a dog, for real" she said dramatically, "I been wanting a dog, you know that"

"How you gone take care of it?"

"He coming with me everywhere I go" she said before I gave her a look

It's not gonna work, but I'm not gonna doubt her too much. She really Mrs.Makeithappen when it comes to anything.

"If you want a dog then get one" I said not really caring, that's her.

She's always talked about getting a dog, but she want a big dog. I like small dogs because they're easier to tolerate and care for.

"I already found and paid for the dog. I just need to go get him, and I need to build him a house in the backyard"

"When did you have time to do all that?"

"I got time to do anything" she said before I raised a eyebrow and nodded slowly

Whatever that mean, okay.

"And when you going to get him?"


She continued to give me the rundown about the dog before we ended up home. We both got in the bed before going straight to sleep.

It's still early in the day and I'm ready to call it a night. I was woken up to Flau'jae being all over me

"We got reservations at seven" I heard her say before I started thinking. Where we eating at?

"Where we going?"

"You gone see come on mamas, we spending quality time" she said before I smiled happily gaining the feeling of joy

I'm so proud of us, we don't do no arguing no more. We've been spending more quality time, whether I plan it or she do.

I'm proud of us.

I got up and we started getting ready, she told me to dress comfortable. That made it even harder to guess where we was going.

After finishing up, we left making it to a spa place. It's so quiet and the setup is so nice. They're playing meditation music and I'm feeling the vibes

We're waiting in the waiting room

"I'm excited bae cause I need a massage, like real bad" I said excitedly as she just stared me down smiling, "The eye contact is making me wanna do something"

"Do what?" she asked while smirking at me and my heart dropped straight to my ass


"Your nasty freak ass" she said causing both of us to start laughing, "It's okay, I get it"

"You know I been celibate for months, I'm not use to this" I said causing her to continue laughing, "Stop laughing at me"

I've never went this long without sex, I'm not use to this. She doesn't even let me go longer than two weeks and vice versa.

I don't even know how she's surviving because her sex drive is through the roof.

It was time for us to go back and we followed one of the ladies to the back

"You guys can undress and slip these gowns on. Somebody will be in to service you once you're done" the girl said before we nodded and she closed the door

"Are they gonna give me a man?" I asked before Flau'jae scrunched her face up

"No, and if they do, he gone be marching his ass back out of here"

"I would rather have a man" I told her before she scrunch her face up again


"I don't like other women touching me, you know that. Most women don't know how to give massages anyway"

"If you want a man, you gotta tell them. I'm not requesting no man cause I don't want no man touching you" she said now causing me to sigh a little

Out of respect, I decided to stick with a woman. I just hope she do me justice because I'm overdue for a good massage.

After a while, we had finally started before I immediately went to sleep. I definitely had doubts, but she's indeed understanding the assignment.

I woke up feeling too good and refreshed, I know for a fact that lady got melatonin in her hands.

"Can we come here everyday?"

"If you got everyday money than yeah" Flau'jae said while opening the car door for me

"We both got everyday money, but I want you to spend yours"

"Well then we not coming everyday" she said as I adjusted myself now all out of breath , "You straight?"

I nodded before she closed the door coming to get in. We left making it to some restaurant that wasn't too crowded

At this point, we just be eating at spots we've never been before. It's always a hit or miss because sometimes the food is nasty.

Maybe it's my pregnancy taste buds.

"I'm so fucking mad I can't have a margarita" I expressed while looking at the menu, "I cant fuck or drink, hell no. I'm not having no more kids"

"Mamas" Flau'jae said causing me to look up at her, "You loud as hell"

"They probably agree" I said as she just shook her head, "Can I have a small sip of margarita?"

"You can't be asking me that, you can't want me to answer that question"

"I'm being serious, but no I actually don't want you to answer the question" I said because I'm not gonna like her answer or demeanor

"Yeah, so let's flip to the other side of the menu. Look at these steaks or something" she said causing me to chuckle at her

It's cool cause as soon as I leave that hospital from giving birth, I'm going to the bar. Not only that, but as soon as I get a chance, I'm fucking the life out of her.

January me please, I want this baby out now.

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