
755 27 2

Flau'jae Johnson

I'm so ready to start back working.

I'm so ready to get back on the court.

I'm so ready for my daughter to be here.

I'm just ready for everything to go back to normal. I don't like the idea of me not being able to work.

I'm a workaholic, so not working for months has driven me insane. Now, I know how Angel feel and it's not a good feeling.

Yes, we're still making money even if we're not working but I feel broke. I feel broke as hell, and I don't like it.

"Flau' come help me with these lights" my grandma said while shaking me from out my sleep

"What lights?"

"My Christmas lights on my porch, come on. You can go back to sleep when we done"

I got up slightly annoyed because I'm tired as fuck. On top of that, I don't feel like playing with Christmas lights.

I just helped Angel decorate our entire house, so I'm definitely not in the mood. I'm thinking I'm coming to spend time with my grandma, no.

She done had me doing shit sense I walked in.

We started taking everything out before unraveling the lights. She doesn't even know how she wants to hang them, and it's irritating me.

I'm not gonna tell her I'm irritated because no. Irritated or not, I'm gonna do what my grandma ask me to do.

"Just do it how you wanna do it" she said as I stood on the ladder, "Be careful"

"I got it, and grandma it's cold out here"

"You need to put something on them arms, I told you, you gone get pneumonia. Y'all kids don't listen, lord"

"I didn't bring a jacket cause it wasn't cold earlier" I explained before she shook her head

"Ima tell your momma" she said before I stopped and looked at her, "What?"

"Why she need to know?"

"Cause I heard her tell you last week about keeping something on your arms"

"She don't need to know, I'm grown grandma" I said before she shrugged her shoulders

"To you"

I continued to hang the lights up before eventually finishing. She wanted me to put up some other decorations inside, so I did.

"You getting ready to leave me?" she asked before I nodded slowly, "Aw, you know grandma hate when you gotta go"

"I know, but you know I gotta go"

"Yeah, I know Angel getting ready to have the baby so you gotta be gone. I'm glad you giving me my second grandchild"

My dad was her only child, and he only had me. I'm literally her only grandchild, so she loves and cherishes me so much.

In her mind, I'm still a baby and it's never gonna change. She's so protective and overreacts over everything I do.

So for the sake of my peace, I don't tell her nothing. I learned to stop telling her shit after she did the most because I like women.

That was years ago, and she thought it was a phase. She didn't accept none of my relationships until Angel.

She loves Angel.

I ended up leaving before making it home to Angel.

"Where you get that from?" I asked Angel, who was bouncing on a yoga ball

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