Chapter 43: Little Fairy in Distress

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After Chen Zhenghao killed the residents of Unit 301, the atmosphere in the entire building became extremely tense. The once chattering crowd had fallen silent, and even those who dared to speak before now remained silent.

Chen Zhenghao seemed to realize that a new owners' group had been formed behind his back. However, there was no way to prohibit such actions. He could only use threats and persuasion within the owners' group.

"Now that the situation is so difficult, everyone is just trying to survive. No one wants to resort to killing."

"If that guy from 301 hadn't attacked my people first, I wouldn't have accidentally killed him. After all, I'm not a demon!"

"I hope we can all get along harmoniously. When we need it, lend us some food, and as long as you cooperate, I guarantee we can all live peacefully."

These words seemed to ease the tension for some, and a few even let their guard down. It appeared that maybe Chen Zhenghao was right – the death of the 301 resident might have been his own fault for starting the violence.

This kind of behavior is known as Stockholm Syndrome. In the face of death and desperation, as long as the aggressor shows a little kindness, some people will be grateful.

Zhang Yiru, still an observer, watched coldly, neither judging nor participating. However, a hint of wariness toward Chen Zhenghao had now settled in his heart.

Even though his house was well-protected, and Chen Zhenghao's group with their shoddy guns didn't stand a chance, in the apocalypse, it was always wise to be cautious.

"If he really provokes me, I'll find a chance to kill him," Zhang Yiru said indifferently.


This short-lived tranquility was shattered the next day. Although everyone was too afraid to leave their homes due to Chen Zhenghao's presence, they still needed to go downstairs to chip away at the ice for water to survive.

Some brave souls quietly opened their doors, intending to dig through the snow unnoticed. Unfortunately, they were caught by Chen Zhenghao's spies.

The supplies seized the previous day were quickly devoured by the hungry gang. Now, with bloodshot eyes, they saw every resident in the building as their prey. Whoever they caught, they would ruthlessly strip of all belongings.

In the new group chat, urgent cries for help were heard. Zhang Yiru opened the chat and couldn't help but smile. The one in distress was not someone else but Liu Tiantian, living on the seventh floor just below Chen Zhenghao.

Earlier that morning, she had thought of sneaking downstairs to dig for snow. However, she was caught in the act. Living alone and having attracted Chen Zhenghao's attention before, she was now the gang's target.

They, deprived of release for nearly half a month, were planning to use her as an outlet.

Liu Tiantian, not particularly beautiful but young and in decent shape, was considered suitable under the circumstances.

As the gang, armed with wrenches and iron rods, approached her door, Liu Tiantian closed it in a panic. In her desperation, she turned to seek help from her neighbors.

"Woo, everyone, please come and save me! They're banging on my door, please, I'll be killed by them!"

"@Uncle You, Uncle You, please save me! Aren't you a veteran? They surely can't beat you."

"These people can't be trusted, they're too brutal. Everyone, we need to unite! If something happens to me, you might be next!"

Liu Tiantian pleaded with a tearful voice, sending one voice message after another.

However, after her arrogant and contemptuous attitude toward male owners in the group the day before, sympathy was in short supply. Instead, there were mocking responses.

"Ah, yes, we're all useless. The little fairy is so powerful; she can definitely handle them!"

"Haha, the little fairy knows martial arts, right? Beat those people to death!"

"Yesterday, you were so confident. Thought you were really powerful, but now you have to beg us grasshoppers for help."

"Maybe it's better if you just die, one less person to share resources with!"

The chat was filled with cheerful laughter, and the collective response from the residents was far from sympathetic. Liu Tiantian, facing this cold mockery, sank into despair.

Turning to the female owners for help, she received similar responses.

"We're all sisters; in this situation, there's not much we can do."

"Sisters, hang in there! I support you spiritually."

"You must hold on; otherwise, if they break in, who knows what they'll do to you!"

"Yeah, with so many of them, they might play you to death."

Some tried to console her, while others enjoyed frightening Liu Tiantian.

With more people joining the chat, the topic had shifted entirely.

"Hahaha, my suggestion is to crush one, at least it's eliminating harm for the people!"

"Yeah, yeah, since your home got robbed, you probably won't survive long. It's better to be the sacrificial lamb before you die."

Liu Tiantian shivered with anger. She wanted to say something more, but her door was kicked open with a loud "bang."

In Zhang Yiru's home, he watched the surveillance feed, seeing Liu Tiantian scream and being dragged out by several thugs.

"Exercising in such cold weather – your passion is truly commendable!"

Eating a chocolate bar, Zhang Yiru addressed the surveillance footage, "At this temperature, any exposed skin is a life-threatening risk."

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