Chapter 160: Release

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After dealing with Wang Siming, Zhang Yi casually killed the nearby Lin Geng as well. Lin Geng was relatively fortunate; he died in a state of unconsciousness, experiencing no significant pain.

Zhang Yi placed the bodies of the two men in a different dimension, intending to find a place to dispose of them later. There were still traces of blood on the ground, and he cleaned it up with a mop he found in the bathroom.

Xu Hao remained unconscious throughout this time. Zhang Yi carefully observed him for a minute. If he wanted to kill Xu Hao, he could do it now, leaving him ignorant of his impending death.

"To kill or not to kill?"

Zhang Yi hesitated about what to do with Xu Hao. After all, without Xu Hao's help, he couldn't have located this place. Without his cooperation, Zhang Yi wouldn't have been able to successfully enter the sanctuary and ultimately take control of it.

However, Zhang Yi couldn't tolerate living under the same roof as a man he couldn't trust. After much consideration, Zhang Yi made a decision. Instead of immediately dealing with Xu Hao, he went back to the second floor.

Three more Kun were still there, and keeping them would be a waste of resources. Zhang Yi approached the pet room, where three women were securely bound, sitting back-to-back on a soft carpet. Their fair skin and deliberately exposed seductive curves would make any normal man drool.

Honestly, if Zhang Yi didn't know they were Kun, he might have considered keeping them around, even just for some entertainment like a performance of "The Flight of the Bumblebee."

The women's mouths were gagged, whimpering and pleading with their eyes filled with fear. Sensing the danger posed by this man, they began to worry about their lives.

Zhang Yi walked over, lifted them from the ground, and led them downstairs. Passing through the living room on the second floor, he noticed clothes, underwear, stockings, uniforms, and isolation bags strewn everywhere.

Zhang Yi halted his steps. The three women, thinking he might be interested in them, approached with pleading eyes.

Ignoring them, Zhang Yi picked up their clothes and continued ushering them downstairs. Only when they reached the passage near the main gate did the women realize what was happening. They shook their heads in panic.

Zhang Yi took out a claw knife, cut the ropes binding them, and tossed their clothes to them.

"Leave this place! Seek your own paths outside."

Zhang Yi had no grudge against them and didn't want to harm them. However, he couldn't keep these scheming Kun under his roof, as it would be a potential danger. The fate of these women after leaving was no longer his concern.

"It's the world that killed you, not me, Zhang Yi!"

Though it felt a bit like undoing his pants to fart, Zhang Yi didn't want to stain his hands with the blood of people with whom he had no grievances or conflicts of interest. This was one of the few traces of humanity he retained in this post-apocalyptic world.

The three women, upon hearing Zhang Yi's decision to kick them out, looked at the snowy world outside the window and burst into tears. They pleaded with Zhang Yi, but he remained unmoved. Even when they offered to provide him with the highest level of service, Zhang Yi stayed resolute.

Choosing between the elder brother and the second brother, Zhang Yi found it more important to protect the elder brother. He didn't trust the humanity of a group of Kun; it was as simple as that.

Pointing the gun in his hand at them, the three women, desperate, quickly put on their clothes and left the sanctuary.

Once they were outside, Zhang Yi closed the entrance to the passage. Observing their attire—fur coats on the upper body and black silk, high heels on the lower body—Zhang Yi shook his head.

"If they freeze to death, at least I've preserved three beautiful specimens. It's better than killing them myself!"

Now, the room only had Zhang Yi and Xu Hao, the two living individuals. Xu Hao had inhaled a considerable amount of hypnotic gas, making it uncertain when he would wake up. For safety reasons, Zhang Yi also bound him.

Zhang Yi had improved his binding technique today. Having taken control of the entire Cloud Pavilion Manor 101, he began studying the internal structure of this super sanctuary.

The doors that were previously inaccessible without permission were now open at Zhang Yi's will. He went to the warehouse on the underground floor, curious about how many supplies were left in the sanctuary.

Using the permission key, a black metal magnetic card, Zhang Yi opened the warehouse door.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

The heavy metal door opened in the middle, revealing a circular door. White cold air emanated from inside, giving Zhang Yi a slight chill.

What he saw at first glance was a mess. Many canned food boxes were thrown on the ground, their contents spilled but not yet decayed due to the low temperature.

Wearing snow boots, Zhang Yi walked in slowly. The warehouse was about 200 square meters, and the remaining supplies were not much, especially in terms of food, which seemed to consist mainly of canned goods for convenient storage.

"No wonder there's trash everywhere. It seems the young master got fed up with canned food."

Zhang Yi shook his head helplessly. The rich young master, accustomed to gourmet delicacies, couldn't stomach these canned goods he had stored in a fit of enthusiasm a decade ago, especially since he had to share them with Lin Geng and the Kun at home.

"The difference in consumption habits between the rich and ordinary people is indeed significant. If it were me, this whole warehouse would be filled with canned and compressed foods, enough for one person for decades!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but marvel. When the Dragon War Security Company designed this sanctuary, they considered the issue of survival in the apocalypse. However, they overlooked the eating habits of this young master.

According to Xu Hao, most of the canned goods here were cleaned out by Wang Siming because they were in the way.

Zhang Yi picked up a can, opened it with his claw knife, revealing a large can of luncheon meat. If this were thrown into the Yue Lu Residential Area, it would probably cause a frenzy.

"But I don't eat this stuff either. I'll just leave it here for now. Maybe I'll need it later."

Zhang Yi wasn't particularly interested in these foods. In his different dimension, he had plenty of fresh ingredients and delicious dishes cooked by a ready-made chef.

Besides the warehouse, Zhang Yi also inspected other areas. There were more than ten rooms on both the upper and lower floors of the sanctuary, each sealed with thick metal doors that could only be opened with a magnetic key card. The highest authority rested in Zhang Yi's hands.

In other words, these rooms could be turned into secure cages at any time. Without Zhang Yi's permission, the people inside, unless possessing thousands of kilograms of strength, couldn't open these electromagnetic locks.

The more Zhang Yi examined, the more satisfied he became. Compared to his 8 million Hua coins worth small house, this place had elevated defenses and comfort to a much higher level. Even the furniture in the house was purchased from the world's top furniture dealers.

Returning to the living room on the first floor, Zhang Yi replenished the energy of the entire sanctuary, and the room temperature rose to 27°C.

Warm and comfortable.

"I'll live here from now on. But if I can get a few obedient and sensible women to accompany me in playing cards, life would be perfect."

"A complete set of cards, at least four women!"

"They'll play cards, and I'll enjoy watching them play under the table. Hey, that would be amazing!"

Lying on the sofa, Zhang Yi squinted happily, envisioning a beautiful future.

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