Kal and the Queen

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On the day that they left, Kal was wearing her best dress. She had her hands resting idly on the fine fabric, but her heart was beating as hard and as fast as a drum. She waited beside Lonnie, just behind the Queen, as the Royal Carriage pulled before them. The Queen was also in one of her best gowns. Kal thought she looked like silvery moonlight in all that luxury of hers.

Footmen opened the door for the Queen, and she stepped into the carriage very gracefully. She looked back at Kal expectantly, and even Lonnie had to nudge her. Uncertainly, Kal got up and into the carriage. The Queen had bandaged her middle with fresh salve that morning, which made getting into the carriage much easier. But she nearly stumbled on her voluminous skirts, and the Queen caught her arm.

"Careful, love," she said softly, and helped her in the rest of the way. She nodded to Lonnie, who nodded back and let the footmen close the door. The Valet had her horse saddled and readied for her, and she would ride beside the Royal retinue.

Kal looked questioningly at the Queen. The Queen smiled and said mysteriously, "I may have asked Lonnie for some private time for a bit."

Kal beamed at her, her eyes bright. "Do I have to sit across from you the whole way?"

"Just for now, for appearances sake, but as soon as we are past the town, we will have our time." The Queen watched out the window as the Royal Carriage lurched into motion. "I wish for you to see something before we leave this place."

"What is it?" Kal asked eagerly. "I love surprises."

The Queen arched a brow. "Do you?"

Kal nodded. "Good surprises," she added. "Not bad ones."

The Queen smiled fondly.

The carriage began to rumble through the town that Kal had always known. She watched the buildings pass them by with wonder, thinking, if I want to, I never have to see these terrible buildings again.

The Queen, who was watching her, asked, "What are you thinking?"

"That I will never come back here," Kal replied softly. She smiled at Finnula. "I don't ever want to come back here."

The Queen reached out and squeezed her hand. "You will never come back here. I shall see to it."

Kal did not realize it, but the Queen had already sent off letters to prepare for Kal's arrival, down to such detail as to what would happen to her in the event of a trauamtic event. The Queen wanted to keep her as safe as possible.

Kal looked out the window, smiling, but her smile froze. She peered through the glass at the sight of the stocks, filled with the necks of the thieves that had beaten her.

The Royal Carriage paused here, and Kal looked at them with eyes as big as saucers.

"They serve as a warning to others now," the Queen said softly. She patted Kal's knee. "No one will mistreat you ever again, but most importantly, I am going to concentrate on rural towns and villages to make sure thieves aren't running the streets. I believe it is a problem but it should be addressed at the root."

Kal fixed the Queen with a soft look. "Finnula," she said tenderly. "I love you."

The Queen's eyes widened, and she patted the seat beside her. The carriage lurched into motion again, and Kal dove into the seat beside her love. The Queen kissed her passionately, cradling her face with the backs of her fingers.

Kal couldn't stop kissing her. She didn't want to. She was too in love.

The Queen didn't want her to stop. She pulled her into her lap and reached out to pull the curtains on the windows closed.

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