The Queen's Suite

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Finnula did not know the impoverished life. She had never known it, and never would. It had always been kept from her, for her entire existence. Her life was padded in riches, where the lives of her people had been hidden in shadows.

It was illuminating to be in Kal's presence. She was realistic, she was opportunistic, she had been made kind through her experience of trauma, rather than hardened into a husk. She was intelligent, and spoke articulately. Schooling had done her well, but she needed and deserved more. The longer Kal spoke of her home life and all the things she had been deprived of, the more Finnula took note of to give her. No gift would be too extravagant for her Girl.

Finnula had every intention of spoiling Kal, anyway. It was important to establish a Favorite at Court, so that no one would doubt her importance to the Crown. So that Yulia, whom Finnula knew was lying in wait (clinging to an old law that allowed her to stay on extended time), would know for certain that she had been soundly replaced.

"Once I refused to get a job to pay for my sibling's education, my parents told me to leave, and I lived on the streets ever since. They've seen me around from time to time, but they'd cross the street or look away. I used to call to them, but they never talked to me. I stopped trying after a while and tried not to be seen in the same place as them." Kal was eating in earnest now, which the Queen was pleased to see. If Kal had made it over the hurdle of eating the art laid before them, the Queen was satisfied, and she listened to Kal's story intently.

"I had already taught myself the five finger discount. Uh—by that I mean, the trade of thievery. I'm very good at it. I had to be, to survive. I moved from spot to spot every night because I refused to work with the local gang. They wanted me for my talent, but I wouldn't work for 'em because they would target the vulnerable." Kal swallowed down a swig of water, and looked at the Queen with a bit of guilt. "I targeted the wealthy. Sorry about that."

Finnula smiled. Such a fact would anger the gentry, send it into an uproar, but it only amused her. "I hereby forgive all of your previous misdeeds, that no one may question your past."

"Ah—thanks, but I don't deserve it. I know what I did was wrong. I was just trying to survive."

"Which is why you have forgiveness from the Crown." Finnula treasured the wobbly smile that crossed Kal's face.

"I was gonna steal the curtains, but since I've been forgiven by the Queen herself, I'll not take this gift in vain."

"My silver-tongued thief." She chuckled, and served the both of them more of their feast. The beauty of their lands and the hard work of their garden stewards made it possible to enjoy multiple different seasons of foods at once, and springtime was a time for harvest in many cases. The greenhouses and orchards of the Crown were plentiful. The Queen wanted to serve Kal every taste she could possibly provide her. "You will never have to wonder where your next meal will come from ever again."

Kal hugged her Queen tightly. "I know. I won't ever take that for granted. You saved me. Now you can't get rid of me."

"Oh dear me, what a punishment!"

"I'm really excited by the prospect of continuing my education." This admission was small, vulnerable.

Finnula squeezed Kal tightly. "I shall see to it that you have the best tutors."

Kal looked up at her and beamed. "Well, now you know my tragic stupid history. What about you, Finnula?"

"Me? I fear my life is dreadfully boring compared to everyone else's, and certainly not as hard as yours."

Kal frowned and reached up, tapping the Queen on the nose. "Hey. No. Bad."

This endearingly cute but terribly incorrect protocol made the Queen laugh. She shook her head, caught Kal's hand, and kissed her fingers. "Did you just tell the Queen 'bad'? If you were anyone else, you would be punished with severity."

Kal blushed. "Oh. Sorry."

"No, don't be. I like that you treat me like a commoner. No one else does, and it is refreshing."

"My question still stands! What about you?"

Finnula sighed, and paused to eat a bite of her lamb. She wiped her mouth carefully, then refolded it into her lap. Every bite of food she took were born of manners that had been taught by a strict governess. No one had ever had an interest in who she really was, never. Only Kal had. "I was raised in a strict home. Yes, I was born into privilege, but I was not allowed to shirk or grow lazy with my studies. I was studying to lead this nation since I can remember. My parents were absent, ruling the nation into the ground, and my governess was an evil woman, so feeling love was...very difficult. I think in this, you and I are matched."

"It really makes you lonely, doesn't it?"

"Yes. It truly does." The Queen smiled at her Girl. "But it makes me want to spoil you with love."

"Me too, Finnula."

The Queen would never tire of hearing her name spoken from Kal's lips.

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