Chapter Twenty.

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I felt myself sleepily nuzzle my nose in someone's neck. Due to the drowsiness, I shrugged it off and only cuddled into the body even more. A soft breath ruffled through my hair and I felt a hand come up and wrap around my neck.

Leon, wake the hell up! Someone's in our bed! My wolf shouted suddenly and I jerked back from the sudden noise my wolf made in my head.

Let me sleep! I groaned back at him and wrapped my arms tightly around the body, pulling us even closer.

What if our mate sees us in bed with someone else!? He shouted again and this time I did spring back from the body I was cuddling up to. My vision was slightly blurry from the sleep but when my eyes focused, I groaned and cuddled back into my mate’s embrace.

I don't think she'd care right now. I said to him and felt him purr when Jennifer's hand tangled in my hair as she snuggled in closer to me.

What's she doing here? My wolf asked.

I don't care. Be happy she's here on her own free will. I said back to him and felt him nod in agreement.

True. He mumbled back.

Jennifer's lips parted slightly as a small sound came from her lips. She stretched her body, pressing our chests even closer making both my wolf and I moan at the feeling. Her eyes fluttered and soon the violet eyes started at me sleepily.

"Good morning." I said softly and placed a kiss to her burning red cheek.

"Morning. I hope you don't mind." She whispered and I smiled.

"I don't. Not at all. Though I am a bit curious." I said and she blushed even more.

"I couldn't sleep." She said.

Ah. I though and smiled brightly.

"It's because of our bond and the mark." I said and placed my finger on her mark, making her shiver.

"You were feeling restless, no?" I asked and she nodded.

"I was. How come you slept so easily then?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Sweetheart, I practically drained myself of energy then took a sleeping pill." I said and she blushed, a small 'Oh.' came out of her mouth.

"So, you... you wouldn't mind if I sleep here?" She asked softly and I felt my wolf grin madly at that. By Jennifer's blush, I knew I was too.

"Of course not, sweetheart. I'd love if you'd join me every night." I said just as softly and lifted her chin up before placing a small soft kiss to her lips. When I pulled away, I rested my forehead on hers and closed my eyes, letting out a soft sigh of content.



"What are you going to do about the Bella and Xander situation?" She asked and I sighed, opening my eyes again.

"There's not much we can do. They're mate’s and separating mate’s is almost as cruel as murdering one’s mate. We can't do that to them." I said and Jennifer closed her eyes, letting out a breath.

"But they're too young." She said and I nodded.

"I know, sweetheart. The most we can do is make them understand that or I could use my Alpha command on Bella to force her to stay away from Xander until they're both at an appropriate age. But that would be cruel on her." I said and Jennifer buried her nose in my neck, a defeated sigh escaping her lips. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her. My wolf whined at my mate’s sad mood.

Alpha's Awaited Mate *Re-uploaded*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ