Chapter Twenty-One.

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A day before the Luna ball was to be held, the Elders showed up at the mansion. There were five of them. Elder Carter, Elder Francis, Elder Edgar, Elder Diaz and Elder Jones. It was a very awkward meeting when they had arrived...


"No! Xander is faster!" Bella exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Bella, Xander is young. We know you're faster than him, but we can't say if he's faster than me." I said and Bella pouted before jumping up and down in excitement.

"Let's do a race!" She said happily but Xander groaned from where he was sitting beside his mom. But one look from Bella made him give her a sheepish look.

"Bella, it won't be fair on Xander. Leon is a trained wolf, and an Alpha as well." Jennifer said and Bella pouted again.

"Then slow him down." She said and we chuckled.

"Bella, you can't make someone slow down easily. He would need something heavy to hold him down." Nicole said and Bella made a thinking face then pointed at Jennifer.

"He can carry mommy!" Bella exclaimed and Jennifer made a fake offended look.

"I'm heavy?" Jennifer asked and Bella shrugged sheepishly. It made us all laugh.

You're lighter than a feather, sweetheart. Don't worry. I told her and she blushed.

"Then I get to carry Bella as well!" Xander said and pulled Bella with him outside before any of us could protest. I sighed in defeat and faced my back towards my mate.

"Hop on." I said and in a few second, legs wrapped around my waist and arms did the same around my neck. I rested my hands under Jennifer's thighs to keep her supported before walking out of the mansion.

"What's going on?" Andrew asked with a laugh when they saw me walking out of the mansion.

"Bella wants Xander and I to race like this." I told him and he and the warriors laughed slightly. Frank looked like he was trying to hold in his laugh while Casper's lips twitched at the ends.

"I'll say 'Go'." Andrew said and then dragged his foot on the ground, making a temporary starting line. Xander also stepped up beside me with Bella grinning at him over his shoulder. She looked at us and stuck her tongue out, making me and Jennifer laugh along with the others.

"Ready, set, g-"

"What's going on here!?" Voices demanded and we all turned around to see the Elders standing there.

The warriors immediately knelt down in respect while I nodded at them.

"Welcome to the pack." I said but Elder Diaz glared at me.

"We have asked you a question, Wolf." He spat. It made me frown.

"Why, Elder Diaz, it's just a little fun and games with the children. Surely we're allowed to do that." I said and Elder Diaz flushed slightly. Jennifer gasped lightly when I addressed him by his name.

Though the Elders were somewhere in their hundreds in age, they all looked like they were just fifty-year-old men. Out of all of them, only Elder Jones had blonde hair. They all and sharp jawlines like most werewolf's but their eyes ranged from brown to blue and green.

"And whose idea was this... game?" Elder Carter asked, phrasing it more like a question. Bella immediately raised her hand up in the air without hesitation.

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