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Cleo's POV

"This is beyond crazy" I smiled as I looked out the jet window

"It's your birthday weekend and you deserve it" Fyn smiled

I was grateful for the mini vacation but I was sad that I'd basically be third wheeling

I watched as Keith sat down and Fyn got up to use the bathroom

"Last time I seen you was at your engagement party" he stated

"Yeah" I said plainly

"How's the married life?" He asked

"Wouldn't know" I shrugged

"I thought you'd at least make it to second year anniversary before a divorce" he chuckled

The fuck was that supposed to mean?!

I just shook my head and ignored his comment

One thing that Jay has been helping me work on is my temper since I normally crash out before I think things through

Was it worth going to bat with this man knowing I'd have to see him for the next 5 days? No

Was it worth Fyn being upset with me? No

So I kept my thoughts to myself

"I'm assuming you've got a new man now since you've never waited long before" he said matter of factly

I started to open my mouth until Jay's voice popped into my head "will that shit matter in the next 5 minutes? If not then let it go"

I quickly closed my mouth and continued to look out the window

Keith's opinion of me didn't matter because at the end of the day we were in the same boat...at least we used to be.

I'd like to think that I've elevated since then..

"That cheesecake really fucked my stomach up" Fyn said as she walked to her seat and sat down

I looked at the time and sighed; 4 more hours on this plane.

"Uh is everything okay?" She asked noticing the awkward silence

"Yeah I'm just...sad that I'm missing the game" I lied

Nobody knew I was dating Jayson and the last person I wanted in my business was Keith

"What game?" Keith asked

I just closed my eyes and went to sleep. His voice was irritating me.


I flopped on the bed after I finished unpacking all my things and groaned

I had no energy left and all I wanted to do was nap

The moment I decided to close my eyes my phone started to ring

I looked at the contact name and smiled as I answered the FaceTime call

"Hi Le!" Deuce smiled with his face pressed against the screen

Le was the new nickname he gave me because according to him I didn't have a nickname and I needed one

He was flabbergasted when I told him that I did have one.

Of course he didn't believe me until I explained that Cleo was short for cleopatra.

"What are you up to?" I asked as I smiled

"Waiting for daddy to come pack my clothes" he said as he sat down on his bed

"Are you going to your mommy's house?"

"No daddy said we're going to see you for your bir..wait I don't think I was supposed to tell you that" he said as frowned his eyebrows

He was a carbon copy of Jay, poor Riah didn't have a fighting chance

"Is Okay, I'll pretend like I don't know" I smiled

Little did he know that his little slip up was exactly what I needed to hear

"Daddy said we'll be there in the morning. I know tomorrow is your birthday but could you still cook breakfast?" He asked

"Alright bro I'm ready" I heard Jay say in the background

I silently laughed at the fact that he always called his son bro

"Okay, bye Le" Deuce said before hanging up

I just smiled and held my phone to my chest before drifting off to sleep.

"Pssssst hey" I heard somebody whisper in my ear

I opened one eye and jumped seeing how close Keith was to my face

"The fuck?!" I semi yelled a I sat up

"I need your help" he said as he backed up a little

"With?" I asked before Turing the light on

"Shhh stop being so damn loud before she comes in here" he scoffed

"This my damn room I'll be as lou-"

"Cleo, shut up" he said as he put his hand over my mouth

"Get your hand away from-"

It was like the world was on my side because my phone rang and the contact said "boo thang🫣❤️"

I immediately answered the FaceTime call

"Move..hey handsome " I said as I pushed Keith away from me

"Wassup beautiful..I miss you" Jay confessed

"Meet me by the hot tub when this bullshit is over" Keith scoffed before leaving

"Who's that?" Jay asked

"Fyn's stupid ass boyfriend" I said as I sucked my teeth

"Why he in yo room at this hour?" He asked

I looked at the time seeing that it was 2 Am

"Beats the fuck out of me. He woke me out of sleep asking for help" I shrugged


"I don't know; you called before I could find out" I yawned

"I don't like the way he was talking to you"

"Shit. Me either..hell I don't like him period." I said as I cut the lights off and laid back down

"You feel safe out there?" He asked

"Yeah he's not dangerous he's just annoying"

I could tell he didn't trust my judgement and rightfully so

"Why are you up?" I asked even though I already knew

"I wanted to be the first one to tell you happy birthday.... Happy birthday baby"

It would be a lot happier if he was here already

"Thank you...not to sound clingy but it feels weird to sleep alone now" I giggled

"I get it" he chuckled

I yawned again and attempted to keep my eyes open

"I don't wanna keep you up cause I know you'll be cranky in the morning if I do" he chuckled

"goodnight Jay" I smiled

" 'Night baby" he said before hanging up

I stretched and went back to sleep with a smile on my face knowing that Jay and Deuce would be here once I woke up again

Those two have easily become pieces of my heart

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