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                  Jayson's POV

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I watched Cleo pace back and forth

My stomach was in so much pain from laughing at her that I couldn't even stand up

"Glad you think this shit is a joke" she groaned

"It's really not that serious" I laughed

Yesterday Cleo went to Walmart and bought a stroller and car seat for Grace, somebody recognized her and recorded her, I'm assuming they sold the video to the blogs, and now it's everywhere

It's all anyone is talkin about

I seen at least 3 different headlines saying that the reason I proposed was because she's pregnant lmaooo

I haven't cleared anything up because even if that WAS the case; it's nobodies business but mine and my family's

"It is that serious, people think I'm a gold digger who's trying to trap you" she scoffed

"Are you?"

"No" she said as she folded her arms

"Exactly; so who cares?"

"I DO!" She groaned

"If it really means that much to you then I'll say something" I nodded

"Why don't you care?" She asked

"Because I know there's no truth to it." I shrugged

"So you're cool with people-"

"If I cared what people thought then I'd have no career, no money, and no fiancé" I chuckled

I watched as Cleo sighed and sat on my lap

"I know it shouldn't bother me bu-"

"I get it. Public opinions take a while to get used to but you're gonna have to trust me on this; regardless of what either of us say, people are gonna share their opinion anyway" I said before kissing her forehead

It sucks but it's the truth

Even if we both came out and said that she's not pregnant, the public is just gonna assumes we're lying and wanna "hide" it 

Grace hasn't publicly announced her pregnancy and neither of us are gonna out her to save face

"People suck ass; I don't even look pregnant" Cleo said as she stood up

Not yet at least...

"What you smirking about?" She asked as she raised her eyebrow

"Our honeymoon " I smirked

"Where should we even go?"

"Doesn't matter to me" I shrugged

"What about your bachelor party?" She asked

I was unsure of how to explain to her that I didn't want one

"I uh.."

"You don't want one?" She asked

How the hell?

"I can read your face" she answered

"You sure you not reading my mind?" I chuckled

"Whenever I mention something you don't wanna do, your eyebrows go up and you just stare at me like I'm dumb" she laughed

I smiled at the thought of her paying attention to me

"That's okay cause I don't want a party either"

"I thought girls liked having one last free day"

"No they just use it as an excuse to get black out drunk..I'd rather stay home and fuck" she shrugged

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