Chapter 22 [License]

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Heya new chap. Procrastination is getting the better of me as always. Tbh i keep getting distracted whenever I actually decide to do this chapter.

The test for the provisional license is finally upon the horizon. A lot of students are training for this, meanwhile the three we're enjoying their time playing games especially Shift; they got addicted to games. I don't think that's good at all.

Aizawa didn't really like how lax they were about the test, knowing that a lot would kill just to be in their shoes. It ended with Aizawa just forcing them to train for once and handing them a ball for no real reason besides the fact that Shift and Stretch are bickering yet again.

"Hey, you ate my chocolate!" Shift says pointing at Stretch who somehow clearly did eat their chocolate

"No, I did not." Stretch says while having chocolate in the edge of his mouth. Not really up for what's quite literally the most obvious are we?

"Yes, you did." Shift says being quite infuriated with their eyes dangerously glowing red aware of the terribly constructed lie that can't patch up the undeniable truth

"Well did I know it was yours? There isn't a label y'know." Stretch reasons knowing full well he just ate it for fun. What's life without amusement, anyways. Albeit isn't Shift always the ones doing these kinds of stuff? Or was this a payback to the time Shift emptied out his honey.

"Hah, you just admitted that you ate it" Shift says materializing a knife as Stretch's eyes glows orange bracing himself for an attack. Honestly these two could be better off doing some prank wars, although Stretch will probably end up winning that as he is a so-called prankmaster in this household.

"Well then how how'd you know it was yours?" Stretch says really only doing this to piss of Shift, then he got an fun idea; maybe he can use chocolate on his next prank on Shift.

"Cause I bought it" Shift says as they took a fighting stance, their not really someone to give up that easily knowing how determined they can be

The two continues bickering with each other, they really did got quite close haven't they. They now somewhat act like some siblings just arguing because of idiocy. A real contrast to the first time they met, it was a a kill or be killed situation. Especially for Sans, who genuinely thought that Shift was there to kill him. Stretch was just cautious and observed them, checking for any signs of bloodlust. Meanwhile, Shift was just confused as hell. Nowadays they really do act like siblings huh..

Just about when the fight is about to unfold, possibly ending up messy. Aizawa wrapped the both of them in his scarf genuinely pissed off and wanting nothing to do with this bullshit unfolding in his very eyes. He grunts and says "Do the two of you really must fight, this fucking early. I still haven't had my coffee for my ass to deal with you two's bullshit"

Sans was just laying in the couch the entire time, watching the two with amusement. He definitely did want some food going while watching the two bicker

Aizawa was not in the mood to scold these two's asses off, so when he saw a ball on the ground, he picked it up

"Here, a ball. Go fucking train." Aizawa says being pissed off. After he handed the ball to Shift he let go of the both of them and just simply left

This confusing action may be just because of the spur of the moment or how Aizawa is without coffee yet and his coffee is still at the table which Stretch has prepared. Although it seems that Shift definitely got an idea with the ball Aizawa had handed .

"Heya, for our 'training' I suggest that we play dogeball." Shift says mischievously while doing quotation marks with their fingers as they picked up the ball that fell and looked at where Aizawa exited

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