My Dreams

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This chapter is going to talk about my dreams. I have some weird dreams, I don't know why? But maybe you could help me.

Dream #1
I once had a dream about a man that was in court, he was pleading his case. There were 6 intimidating police officers in the room, they looked dead serious, not one smile on their face. So the man started crying as he said, "I'm sorry, your honour. Please give me a few more minutes to process this." The judge was impatient and said, "No!" Then she turned to the police officers and whispered, "Deport him, now!" So the police officers did as they were told and arrested the man. They placed the man in a holding cell, until they could book a flight for him to back to his home country. The man couldn't stop crying, his home country is dangerous, he can't go back there. "Please officer, give me one more chance. I promise I can be a law-abiding citizen." Pleaded the man. The Australian police officers were authoritative and weren't smiling, "The judge has made her decision. I'm not going to argue with that." Spoke a policeman. That's the end, when I woke up from that dream.

Dream #2
In this dream, the sun was bright, casting a glow on my car, as I drove, I saw red and blue lights illuminating behind me. I looked back and saw it was the police, so I pulled over. I waited patiently for the police officers to come, I looked back and saw two police officers walking towards my car, they did not look happy. One was a male and the other was a female, the male came forward to me and spoke sharply;  "Miss, we need to check your bag immediately." I was feeling anxious, I reluctantly handed my bag over to the policeman. When the policeman opened it, he found a gun in my bag. I felt so scared, I didn't know how a gun got in my bag, I never put in there. The dream continued and the two police officers arrested me and took me to jail, I was so scared, but luckily it was just a dream.

Dream #3
In this dream, I was back at my old Primary School, I don't know why, I walked through the halls and remembered all those times. As I walked, I saw Jason lining up in a line for Aftercare. Why was Jason lining up for Aftercare at my old Primary School? Next, I saw a girl in a wheelchair in the line as well, but in my dream I wanted to go stand near Jason, but I kept resisting it in my dream. My brain didn't want me to go near Jason, why? I'm still so confused. That's the end of the dream.

Dream #4
In this dream, I heard the teacher and one of the students from my class were reading this story I wrote here on Wattpad about Jason and Presley. I heard the teacher reading the story out loud and then she called the principal to show her the story I wrote about Jason and school, I was so embarrassed in my dream. I hid under the blanket (there's a blanket at my school) then the principal calmly said in a caring tone, "Jess, it's okay, can you please come with me? Just for a little chat." So I followed the principal to her office and she was asking me why I write these stories and I just kept hiding my face, I was so embarrassed I couldn't look her in the eye.

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