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Taehyung's POV

I came to school with a very heavy feeling in my heart. I walked through the corridors and heard people talking about that exciting and beautiful day for couples and the most hated and devastating for the singles, especially when you don't have a date to.... Prom..


That one day when couples rub it in my face that I am and will always be single and lonely for the rest of my life... Oh! Valentines Day also does that too....

Gosh! I don't feel like coming to school at all! Especially when you know that you're crush is stuck almost everyday to a different guy and will probably go to Prom with him.

It's already lunch and I haven't seen Jennie all morning.

Probably with Jungkook. They must've sorted things out yesterday. Well, good for them I guess...?

My assumptions were right when I saw both Jungkook and Jennie walk through the cafeteria door, smiling at each other. Jennie saw me and waved her hand, which caused Jungkook to glare at me. He then dragged Jennie towards his usual table with his friends. So now I'm here, eating alone at a table in the corner. Wow, I never realized how lonely I was before Jennie became my friend.

Lunch was now over as indicated by the bell and so the students started leaving and walking to their classes. I apparently had Science next, together with Jennie and Jungkook, which I was happy about at first because most of the time, Jennie would be passing me wierd notes and I would return them, but seeing as how Jungkook is trying to get Jennie away from me, I was now sitting far away from Jennie instead of being seatmates.

"Okay class! As you have probably already noticed and heard from your previous teachers, Prom is only a week away! So does everyone have a date already?" Our teacher said.

I groaned while most of the class cheered "YES!"

Why does he have to ask that specific question? He could've just asked if we were ready, or if we already have something to wear, right? Why would he pick that question?

"I see, so almost the whole class have they're dates already, that's good. For those who still doesn't, you better find one fast if you want attendance and remember, your attendance is 40% of your grade in your P. E. class"

My eyes immediately widened at this. They never had this rule before, it WS okay if you came without a date but why did they have to make one!?

I then immediately raised my hand.

"But sir! What if you don't wanna go to Prom with a date?" I objected.

"Then almost half of your grade on P. E will be wasted" he said.


I frowned at this.


"Okay class enough of that. Get your notebooks and start copying what's written on the board"

And so we all immediately did that, while our teacher sat down at his desk and started reading his book. I was frowning the whole time while copying the notes, as my mind was still on what our teacher told us.


"Psst!" I then was hit my some paper that landed on my desk.

I looked to where the paper came from and saw a girl with doe eyes and brunette hair looking back at me.

"What?" I whispered to her.

"I saw that you objected about the date thingy and assumed that you don't have one amd I was hoping if you could go with me" she asked.


"But, uhmmm... I don't even know you... " I was uncomfortable in this situation, I wasn't the kind of person to be asked out very much.

"Oh! Then we can start today, wanna go out later for a friendly date?" She asked with a smile.

Wow, she's bold. Wish I could be like her.

"Uhhh... O.. Kay..?" I said unsure but I really don't wanna fail a subject, so why not? Besides, I could actually make a new friend out of this right?

"Nice! Meet you later at the gate. Oh! and by the way, the name's Lalisa aka Lisa" she said with a smile.

I smiled back, "Taehyung"

"Tae! Over here!" I heard a voice.

I saw Lisa near the gate and ran over, "So where are we going?" I asked.

Gosh! Why do I feel like the girl here?

We the started walking towards the bus stop, "Well I was thinking that because we need to know each other more, we could go to the famous cafe in town" she said.

"Hmm.. Okay, let's just hope that there aren't many people there" I replied.

Once we arrived there, we took a seat near a window and ordered some drinks.

"Okay Mr. Kim Taehyung, how about you tell me about yourself?" She said, her chin was resting in her palms which was on top of the table.

"There's nothing really to tell you, I'm not the kind of person who has something going on in there life that much" I said while scratching my nape.

She then leaned back and said, "Oh come on! Everybody has at least one thing to say about themselves, here I'll start then" she stated.

"I'm Lalisa Kim, I have an older sister in school named Jisoo Kim, I'm 17 years old, and I just moved here from Thailand, so I don't really have friends here yet" she said.

"Oh! Well, I don't really have friends either, and my only friend in school recently has been taken away by her boyfriend because he thinks that I'm stealing her away from him, like dude! She just only sees me as a friend!" I told her.

I can't believe I told her my current situation that easily, maybe I just feel comfortable when talking to her...?...Somehow...

"But you like the girl?" She asked which made me freeze.

" Oh don't worry! You're not being obvious, it's just that I've watched way to many dramas to know where this is going. The boy likes his best friend but then the girl doesn't know anything and already has an over protective boyfriend and so the boy is hopelessly on a one-sided love relationship with his best friend" she said.

"Oh... " I said looking down, "Do you perhaps, know what's going to happen in the end?" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that the main character never gives up on hope" she said and tapped my shoulder, "Besides, you're a pretty nice dude, if she hasn't noticed that yet, then like everyone these days say, she's not worth it"

I smiled at her, "Thanks, you're not sonbad yourself, how come you don't have a boyfriend yet?" I asked.

"Pshh! Me? I'm not  really into that dating stuff" she said.

"Really? Then why are you here with me?" I asked her.

"I just really didn't want to fail P.E and besides I found a new friend with it, so...what do you say? Do you want to be my date to prom?" She asked.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're hurting my pride her as a guy, I should be the one asking you that" I told her.

She just chuckled and slightly hit my shoulder, "Alright fine! Go ahead Mr. Taehyung"

I smiled, "Do you what to be my date to Prom?" I asked.

"I would love to not fail P.E" she answered which made me chuckle.

"Yah! I was being serious!" I said and hit her arm lightly.

"Alright! Alright!" She said trying to stop her laughter, "I would love to" she answered which made me smile.

"...to not fail P.E"


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