Reflect on my school days

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Wednesday, 15 May 2024

As I walked through the hallway, I felt a knot in my tummy. I squeezed my hands really tight and quietly said to myself, "Don't look at me! Don't look at me! Look down... look down." I was so scared. As soon as I got to my class, I put my bag in the locker and sprinted to my seat. It was Tuesday, which meant swimming day. Unfortunately, I don't like swimming because I feel self-conscious about my body. Fortunately, I still got to go with my class on the bus to the swimming lessons.

When we got on the bus, the teacher made sure we all had our seatbelts on. One of the boys didn't want to put his seatbelt on, so the teacher threatened to call the principal, and after that, he listened and put it on. On the way to the pool, we passed the police station; it was so big, with police cars everywhere.

Thursday, 2 May 2024

Today at school, I was writing about school on paper when the teacher asked to see it. I replied, "It's private! I don't feel comfortable sharing it with you." The teacher kept insisting on reading it, so I had enough and ripped the paper into pieces. It was my privacy; she had no right to read it. I have a right to privacy. The teacher got mad and picked up the ripped-up paper, saying, "Jess, I'm going to have fun piecing this back together." I was angry that the teacher was reading my personal writing without my consent. She even threatened to show the principal, saying, "I need to see if it's appropriate for school." But my personal writing was appropriate; I was just writing about school. That's not inappropriate. I told her that I write stories on Wattpad, and some people like it. Guys, are my stories inappropriate? Please be honest, I need your opinions. 🙏

Friday, 3 May 2024

Today was sort of okay. In the morning, the internet wasn't working, so the teacher decided we should all play a cricket game in the gym. So we all went to the gym to play, and I joined in as well. My day was going well so far. One hour later, it was recess, and I wanted to go to the bathroom because I don't like going outside and socializing. So I went to the bathroom and just spent my time sleeping and writing in my journal. It was pretty relaxing.

Everything was going well until I heard a thud on the door. It was the teacher. She said I couldn't spend my recess in the toilets, but what was wrong with that? I just wanted to be by myself. So then I had to go to the principal's office, and the principal said I couldn't stay in the toilets. I started to cry because I don't have friends, and the toilet is the only place I can truly be myself.

Sometimes I get emotionally attached to teachers and principals. My heart is sore when I can't see or interact with the person I'm attached to. I think I'm slowly getting emotionally attached to my principal at school. She has a strong presence, and seeing her at school makes me happy. I know I'm scared of the principal, but I'm also emotionally attached to her. I'm scared of the people that I'm emotionally attached to. I just feel nervous and unsure how to act around them.

Monday, 6 May 2024

Today, I had a really good day at school. Although every day has its ups and downs, today was mostly ups. At recess, I gave Presley a flower, but Presley got mad and said, "I'm going to tell the principal on you." I got really scared and said, "Nooo!! Please don't tell the principal." I was so scared of the principal, but Presley ran to tell her. I reacted by hiding in the bushes because I was scared of the principal. After recess, I waited outside the classroom for the teacher to open the door. Then I saw the principal and started to get scared. Presley continued to scare me, saying, "Jess, the principal is coming for you." I got really scared, but luckily the teacher heard and told Presley not to scare me. She even reassured me that the principal wasn't coming for me.

At 9:00 AM, I saw the school phone and noticed it had all the numbers, including the principal's. So I decided to call her on the school phone, but I got scared when she answered and said, "Hello?" three times. Then she asked, "Is anyone there?" I wanted to say hello, but I felt scared, so she said, "Oh, it must be a student." I got scared and hung up. But I called her again and then heard her get up, which scared me even more.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

As I arrived at school, I heard the principal talking to one of the boys. Apparently, he damaged $1,000 worth of school property, and the principal said he would go to jail if he was an adult. He also damaged the school computers, so the principal said he would have to be suspended. Later, we went swimming on the bus. On the way there, I saw a police car with its lights flashing, but there was no police officer in it.

At the end of recess, I saw the principal and started to feel scared again. Presley kept saying, "There's the principal, Jessica." I got really, really scared and started screaming loud and breathing heavily. Then the principal called Presley and told him not to scare me. After that, she came to reassure me, saying, "Jess, don't worry about Presley. I just came to say hi." I kept covering my face, but the principal reminded me, "Jess, can you take your hands away from your face and say hello?" So I said "hello" to the principal, but then I got really scared and started screaming.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Today at school, the principal said "hello" to me. At recess, I started age regressing in the bathroom because I was feeling scared again. Age regression helps me forget about my worries and fears. When I age regress, I go into the mind of a child and it allows me to escape from the constant worry about what people think of me or if the security cameras are recording me. It's a way to cope when I feel overwhelmed.

Thursday, 23 May 2024
Today at school I was playing with Presley, Twins, (Ethan and Oliver) and Bhanu. Bhanu is so funny, we hugged each other and shook each other's hands. We were all playing and Presley and Oliver and I were laughing and sitting on the couch, all three of us. Bhanu came and hugged me and i felt so safe and secure. At Lunchtime, I followed Bhanu to the swings, we were playing together, but when Bhanu wanted to go near Jason the teacher said "No, Bhanu, I'm watching you; don't go near Jason." So Bhanu and I hugged each other, it was so comforting.

Thursday, 30 May 2024
Today at school, Bhanu was angry and he told the teacher that he's angry at Lord Krishna, the teacher said "Well if you're angry, then you have to go to the principal's office." Bhanu replied, "No! NO! I'm not going to the principal's office!"

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