Preference 103-he talks in his sleep

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He talks in his sleep...

Louis: You felt hot breath on the back of your neck and opened your eyes to darkness.

"Mmm...babe...damn.." You head Louis talking and chuckling.

"Babe?" You asked. You turned over and saw Louis still asleep. You realized he was most likely talking about pointless crap in his sleep and closed your eyes, beginning to ignore it when you heard your name.

"Y/N... woah....damn've never like it....mmm.."

"Holy shit." you huffed under your breath. He was dreaming about sex! You shoved his shoulder and he woke up.

"Huh? Babe? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Tell me one thing's sex in dream land?" You giggled. He looked at you and realized he was talking in his sleep again.

"Its to remind me how it is in real life?" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and you just couldn't resist.


You and Liam had fallen asleep during a movie and you awoke with your head in the crook of his neck. His arms were wrapped around you, as you both laid on the couch. You felt his chest vibrating and looked up to see his lips moving. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and listened.

" you...Y/' are...perfect..." You smiled. He was even amazing in his sleep.

"Let's get now..." You lightly kissed his lips and closed your eyes, deciding not to disturb him. You stuck your head back into his neck and you felt him kiss your forehead. You smiled and slowly fell back asleep.


It was a gorgeous day, so you and Harry decided to go to the beach. It was perfect; the sun was bright and hot and there was a slight breeze.

Harry was stretched out on a towel, while you relaxed on a bright pink beach chair with your feet in the sand. You had your eyes closed, enjoying the sun on your face. You were interrupted by Harry talking.

You thought he was nagging you again so you went to protest when you looked over and saw him passed out and talking. You moved closer trying to catch what he was mumbling about.

"No, Y/N...I'm the stupid one...I' are....beautiful."

"Harry! Babe, wake up!" You kicked him in the side as he jumped up.

"What? What was that for?!"

"You were talking in your sleep. We were fighting or something. Why were we fighting?" You questioned.

"I..I don't remember." He shrugged and got back down, rolling over to return to sleep. You just did the same and closed your eyes, getting back to the sun.


Niall had a long day with interviews and recording so when he came home he instantly crawled into bed. You decided to join him, but after laying there for 2 hours, you realized you couldn't sleep.

You didn't want to bother him, so you turned to your phone and scrolled through Twitter. He rolled over and snuggled up next to you, sighing loudly. You just ruffled his hair and went right back to your mentions.

A couple of minutes later, you felt vibrations against your side and heard muffled laughs. You looked over at Niall and he laid there, laughing about something he was dreaming about.

"Hahahahahahah, oh my,!" He continued laughing. You'd never seen this before and you were shocked.

"Niall...babe...wake up!" He awoke and responded with a groan.

"Why'd you do that?"

"You were laughing! What were you laughing at?!"

"You were telling me a joke or something, I don't know." He grunted and turned. You just laughed and rubbed his back.


You and Zayn had set out early one Saturday to take the long drive to his parents' house. You decided to drive so Zayn could sleep. You had been driving for over an hour and Zayn was curled up on the passenger seat. You laughed at his cuteness when you heard him mumble.

"Baby? Are you awake?" You realized he wasn't but he sure was talking.

"No Mum...I swear....this one...this is's perfect...just like her...." You turned down the radio and listened closely.

"She's the one...Y/N....She is...the one..." You smiled and found his hand, slowly intertwining it with yours. He woke up and looked over.

"I love you, Zayn."

"I love you too, Y/N." He held your hand tightly and returned back to sleep.

AN: aww aren't these just adorable.

Thank you for 1.5k votes and nearly 200k reads!!! This is truly amazing.

Please vote and can we get this to 1.6k votes today :) pwetty please


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