Preference 111- First Date

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AN: I do apologise for the lack of updates these past few days. But non the less I have more preferences on my phone and I'm currently half way through writing Chapter 5 for Baby Horan. Should either be updated tomorrow morning or night.

I've been busing studying for a maths test which I have tomorrow morning so I've been preoccupied doing school work.

But I have an English class tomorrow so maybe I can write tehe.

Here is the next preference. Sorry for the long authors note :)


First date


Harry said to dress nice for your guys' first date, so that's exactly what you did. The new little black dress you bought fit snug around all your curves, your heels made your legs look incredible, and your hair and makeup was complete perfection.

Suddenly, the doorbell chimed and a grin came across your face. You walked to the door, opened it, and was greeted by a stunned Harry Styles.

"Wow, (Y/n) look um...insanely"

"You don't look so bad yourself Harry," you said cheekily as you let him into your house.

He was wearing a signature outfit of his...v-neck shirt, a blazer that fit him perfectly, some really nice jeans, and his usual pair of white converse. He looked sexy as hell, but you felt like you might have dressed a little to fancy,

"Um this too much?" you asked motioning toward your outfit.

"What? Of course not! You look amazing! I should've dressed nicer actually..." he laughed.

"Oh shut it Harry you look great! So are you gonna tell me where you're taking me?" you asked.

He grabbed your hand and started leading you outside to his car, "nope, it's a secret" he grinned. He drove for quite awhile until you reached a beautiful building overlooking all of London.

"Wow this is incredible," you said still in awe with the view.

"Just wait until we get inside," Harry said as he came around to your side of the car and opened the door for you.

He grabbed your hand and brought you inside the building which happened to be the nicest restaurant you had ever seen in your life. The walls where floor to ceiling windows with some of the most breathtaking views of London you had ever seen. You were brought to a table and then the date really began. You ordered your food, ate, joked around with each other, flirted, it was perfect.

"I hope you liked this, it's a favorite restaurant of mine," he said while looking at you with his stunning green eyes.

"Are you kidding me right now? I love everything about this place....the food, the was lovely, thank you Harry," you replied while looking straight back at him.

"How about we go for a little walk outside?" he stood up and reached for your hand. He lead you outside to the other side of the building you hadn't seen yet.

Just when you thought the place couldn't get any more lovely, you turned the corner and was met with a huge rose garden that went on for probably a mile.

"Wow, this place just keeps getting better and better," you laughed. He led you to a small bench overlooking the garden and you two sat down facing each other.

He held your hand and said, "you know (Y/N), I really like you." He scooted closer and leaned in so your foreheads were almost touching. He looked in your eyes and then went for it.

He placed a soft kiss against your lips making them tingle. Once your lips parted you looked down at your lap with a smile on your face, and then looked back up straight in his eyes,

"You know Harry, I really like you too." He leaned in again and kissed you with quite a bit more passion this time.

Let's just say you guys were on that bench for a little while longer until it started to rain forcing him to drive you home. He walked you up to your door,

"I had an amazing time with you tonight...even with the rain," he laughed.

"Me too Harry.....we need go out again soon."

"Yea, i'd say as soon as possible," he said cheekily.

He grabbed your hand and began to rub circles on the back of it with his thumb, "well I guess this is goodnight (Y/N)."

"Goodnight Harry," you said while leaning in to kiss him one last time before you had to go inside.


"Oh my gosh (Y/Bff/N)! Do I look okay?!? I'm literally freaking out right now!" you yelled to your friend who was in your bathroom touching up her makeup.

"(Y/N), calm down...deep listen to me okay? You look great, you're only going out to dinner and a movie so I think what your wearing is perfect," she said while giving you a hug.

"Thanks (Y/Bff/N), your amazing."

"I know (Y/N), I am quite amazing, now put your heels on he'll be here any minute!" You put your black Jimmy Choo heels on and looked at yourself in the mirror.

You chuckled to yourself, "I do look pretty damn good don't I?" you whispered softly enough so your friend wouldn't hear. Soon enough Zayn had come to get you and brought you to a nice italian restaurant that he described as "sick."

You took another bite of your pasta, "wow, this place is great Zayn, the foods amazing!"

"What did I tell you? Best italian place I've ever been too," he laughed. You both continued eating and talking about all sorts of things until your plates had nothing left on them.

Zayn of course being a gentlemen payed for the dinner, and then you two were off to the movies.

"So, anything in particular that you've been wanting to see?" he asked.

"Ummm, that new spiderman movie looks pretty good!" you pointed to the movie poster.

"I am so glad you didn't choose that one," he laughed while pointing to the Magic Mike poster. He bought the tickets and you guys found some seats in the pretty crowded movie theater.

The film began and about a quarter of the way through Zayn grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. You looked at him and smiled while squeezing his hand a bit letting him know you liked it. The movie ended a while later and the theater lit back up while people began filing out. Still holding tightly onto your hand,

Zayn led you outside to his car, "so that movie was pretty good."

"Yea it was great! My favorite part had to be when you held my hand," you laughed cheekily.

"Yea, I'd have to say that was the best part," he smiled while rubbing the back of your hand.

After the car ride home Zayn walked you up to your front porch, "you know, I had a really great time with you tonight (Y/N)."

"I had a great time too Zayn, thank you for such a lovely night."

"Anything for you (Y/N)," he said as he leaned in and placed a kiss against your lips.

You blushed and looked up into his eyes, "Goodnight Zayn."

"Goodnight (Y/N)," he said as your hands parted and you walked inside your dimly lit house. Your night didn't end there though, as soon as you put your foot through your door (Y/Bff/N) was there waiting for you to tell her everything about the perfect date you just had with Zayn.


You were so excited for the cute date Liam had planned for you two. It wasn't anything big, just some drinks at a little cafe around the corner from your flat and then a walk in the park that was across the street.

It was a pretty cold day so you had on a nice warm peacoat, some jeans, and a pair of the black uggs you had just gotten for your birthday. You were meeting Liam at the cafe so you grabbed your purse, headed outside, and began walking. After the short walk you reached the cafe and saw Liam already standing outside waiting for you.

"(Y/N)! You look beautiful today," he said as he smiled big and gave you a hug.

"Aw thanks Liam," you blushed. He led you inside the nice warm room to a table next to a big window.

"So, what would you like me to get for you to drink?" he asked.

"Um, a caramel macchiato sounds really nice," you replied. A few minutes later he came back with both of your guys' drinks in his hands.

You took a sip of your caramel drink, "this is so great Liam, perfect for a cold day like this, thank you," you smiled as you took another sip.

"My pleasure (Y/N), I'm happy we could do this." he smiled that adorable smile of his and took a drink of the tea he had gotten himself. You both finished your drinks pretty quickly, but you stayed at the cute little cafe for at least 2 hours just talking and enjoying each others company.

"So, how about that walk in the park now?" he said while reaching out his hand, which you gladly took. You walked hand in hand with Liam for quite a while in the park just talking like you had been doing in the cafe.

Suddenly Liam stopped and faced you, "You know (Y/N), I think I may have a pretty big crush on you."

You looked at your feet and blushed then looked back up at Liam, "I'm so happy you said that because I think I may have a pretty big crush on you too Liam." He gently moved a strand of hair that the wind had blown in your face and placed it behind your ear,

"(Y/N).....can I kiss y-" Without letting him finish his question you leaned in and pressed your cold pink lips against his, immediately warming up your whole body.

Once your lips parted you locked eyes with him, "you don't have to ask to kiss me Liam."

"I'll remember that next time," he laughed. You both walked around the park a little longer (still hand in hand of course) when it started to get a bit dark so he decided to walk you home.

You got to your door and smiled up at him, "this has been a great day Liam, thank yo-" before you were able to finish talking he placed his lips to yours, just as you had done to him earlier.

Once he pulled away he smiled, "you said not to ask so I just went for it."

You laughed and gave him a hug, "I'm glad you did."

"Well you better get inside before it gets any colder out here," he said as he gave you one last hug.

"Okay....well I had a great time....we definitely have to do this again soon." you smiled as you began to unlock your door.

"Of course! How does Friday sound?" he asked.

"Perfect," you spoke.

"Well goodnight then (Y/N)."

"Goodnight Liam, see you soon." And that marked the end of the most perfect date you could ask for.


You tousled your hair in the mirror one last time before running downstairs and opening the door for Niall.

"Hey Niall!" you said while closing the door behind you and giving him a big hug.

"Hey (Y/N)! You look great, ready for the Carnival?"

"Of course! This should be a lot of fun," you smiled. With that you were off to the huge Carnival that was in town for only one more night. When you arrived the rides were already lit up and the air smelled of caramel corn and every type of fair food you could imagine.

Knowing Niall, you knew you would be stopping in the food area multiple times during the night.

"I say we go on that ride first," he pointed over to the only upside down ride at the whole carnival.

You were scared to death of upside down rides, but you went along anyway, "Okay Niall, but I'm warning you....I'm terrified of rides like that."

He looked in your eyes and grabbed your hand, "don't be afraid, I've got you." The ride ended up not being too bad, and Niall holding your hand the whole time definitely helped your nerves calm down.

"How 'bout we get some food now?" he asked.

"How did I know you were going to say that?" you laughed as you began walking in the direction of all the different food vendors.

You decided to get a regular hamburger with fries, but Niall on the other hand probably had one of every type of food item being sold sitting on his plate.

"I couldn't really decide on what to get," he laughed looking down at the mountain of food in front of him.

"How 'bout....if you eat all that food I'll give you a kiss?" you said cheekily.

"Let's just make it clear that this will be a kiss on the lips....not the cheek or anything," he said while picking up a hot dog.

"Yes Niall, a kiss on the lips," you laughed. It had only been a half hour later when he finished the last bite of food on his plate, "that was a piece of cake! I guess this means it's time for my kiss (Y/N)."

You stood up sat on Niall's side of the table, "I'm still shocked you ate all of that, but I'm glad you did," you smiled while leaning in and kissing his lips.

You stayed at the carnival for a few more hours until it started to get pretty dark and cold so Niall drove you home. He walked you up to your house with your fingers intertwined with his,

"(Y/N), I had a really great time with you today."

"I had a great time too Niall. We should go out again when you're not busy," you said.

"I'd love too! I'll check my schedule when I get home and text you," he said with an excited tone to his voice.

"Well I better get going inside before I freeze to death," you laughed.

"Wait one more thing..." he leaned it and placed his lips against yours making your heart skip a beat.

He pulled away and you could feel your cheeks getting warm, "goodnight Niall," you smiled up at him. "Goodnight (Y/N)," he said while giving you one last hug before you went inside.


You were pretty new to London so Louis decided to bring you sightseeing around the city for your guys' first date. He picked you up in his porsche and your journey began.

"So...this is the plan....we have to take a funny picture in front of every place we see today okay," he smiled.

"Oh are a weird one....but sounds like fun," you laughed. You went all around London doing exactly what he said. You already had some pretty hilarious pictures in front of Westminster Abbey, Kensington Palace, Tower of London, and St. Paul's Cathedral. Next up was the London eye which you were very excited for.

Louis grabbed your hand and led you into one of the glass capsules that would soon lift you above all of London, "When we get to the very top, we need to take a picture okay? It's the best view of London that there is!" Louis exclaimed while wrapping his arm around your waist. Soon the capsule began to move higher and higher until you were at the very top of the London eye.

"Wow....this is incredible Lou," you said while staring at the breathtaking view before you.

"I think it's time for that picture now," he spoke softly. He walked over to an older man, "excuse me you mind taking a picture for me?" He handed over his camera to the man and came back over to you wrapping his arm around your waist like it had been before.

"(Y/N)....." he whispered. You looked up at him when suddenly he pressed his lips against yours and the flash of the camera went off.

He pulled away and looked deep in to your eyes, "I'd say that thats probably the best picture yet."

You smiled, "I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one Lou." Soon the glass capsule reached back down to ground level and you got out.

You continued on your journey all around London until it was getting pretty late and Louis decided it was time to get you back home.

He opened the car door for you and walked you up to your door, 'I hope you had a fun time today."

"Lou, this has been the most fun date I've ever been on, thank you," you smiled. He pulled you close and rested his forehead against yours before settling his lips on yours.

"Goodnight (Y/N)," he spoke.

"Goodnight Louis," you said while he began to walk down the pathway to his car.


AWW!!!! This one is adorable

Once again sorry for the short update and check out my second 1D preferences book. This one contains the sexual ones.....yes I know this has some of them but that's doesn't matter.

Also check out Baby Horan. New chapter up tomorrow for sure.






LOVE YOU MY CUPCAKES <--- why am I still in caps. Whoops :)


One Direction Preferences (tumblr) // 01Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora