Chapter Twenty-Three✓

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Emberly's POV:

The faint sound of the alarm buzzed in my ears. Groaning, I folded the pillow in half and pressed it tightly against my ears. Why have I even got alarm on this time? Even after trying, I couldn't open my eyes. Thankfully, the annoying sound went off. My eyelids felt to heavy to open them. My body felt like it was on fire. Needless to say, I was squirming every five second. I felt someone nudging my arm and lifting me up in a sitting position. I opened my mouth to protest when a tablet was placed in my tongue, followed by, what I assume, the tip of the glass. I swallowed the tablet with water. I lied down again and felt drowsy. Before I could ask anything, my mind blacked out again and I fell unconscious.

After some time, I woke up to sound of alarm again. This time I managed to open my heavy eyelids. I knew just by looking at the ceiling that I was not in my room. There's no way in earth I could afford something so fancy like that. The room was dimly lighted and cold. I pressed the blankets closer to my body. I looked around slowly as I started to recognise the room. My heart was about to go wild but I somehow managed not to hyperventilate. What really got my attention was the sleeping figure next to me. Not even looking at his face, I knew who it was.

Not again, not again, not again. My heart was thumping loudly by now, so loud that I thought he could hear it. Maybe, if I close my eyes he would disappear. I shut my eyes tightly. After calming my heart I opened them slowly.

Shit. He was still there.

My eyes widened when I heard him groan. I tried to recollect what really happened. All I could remember was arguing with Arran and the next minute my head was spinning. Faith is so cruel to me. Just when I made my mind to stay away from him I was in his bedroom wearing nothing but an oversize shirt.

Wait... What...?

I look down at myself only to be shocked more. I was in a large white shirt and the worst part is I don't remember taking my clothes off. I took a peek under the blanket, moreover his side and sighed in relief. He had his sweatpants on. Never thought I would be so happy seeing a hot guy still in his clothes.

He looked so peaceful sleeping. God, this guy made snoring sound sexy. His cheeks were rosy and his lower lip was slightly jutting out giving me a total adoring pout. I frowned, not liking the way I was admiring how handsome he really is. Girls who had him and who will have him are damn lucky. My hand moved to brush his hair from his forehead but I caught myself before I touched him.

The sound of alarm broke my trail of thoughts. He groaned again. Carefully, I sat on my knees and leaned over his side. Making sure not to touch him. I reached for my alarm and shut it. I took a glance at the floor and my eyes nearly popped out. The floor was filled with empty tablets packets and god knows how many empty water bottles.

The alarm that was buzzing was to remind him to give me medicine on time. I blinked back. I've never seen his room this disorganised and I was touched by his gesture. It was incredibly sweet of him to look after me and I was thankful for that. Even though he was ill too.

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