Chapter Forty-One ✓

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Emberly's POV:

There's no place like home indeed. Luckily I was asleep during the whole flight and when I hit my bed, it felt like I could sleep for days. Jetlag was a bitch and when the alarm went off in the morning, I literally wanted to call in and take a day off. I gave up on that thought noticing how busy Arran's schedule for the day is and got up to get ready for office. After having a quick shower, I dressed myself in black pencil skirt and sheer white blouse. I wore black heels that were comfortable to walk in. At least that was the plan!

"Remind me again, why haven't you guys slept together?" Cherry teased me again.

"Stop! I am not repeating myself."

"But seriously, I am disappointed. What happened to let's lose the virginity together?" She exclaimed.

"There was no such thing." I picked up the files I was working on and the car keys from the counter.

"You sure about that? I do remember something about threesome." She yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure." I pressed my lips together, suppressing laughter.

"Are we still having dinner together?"

"Yes and I may have left something for you on dressing table." I walked out of my house.

"You didn't! Bye!" She yelled and I heard her running upstairs.

After being stuck in the traffic, I made it just in time. I swiped my card and said Hi to Laura who was a receptionist. She made a hand gesture of strangling herself before continuing talking on the phone. I laughed and placed a blueberry muffin and a medium decaf soy latte on her desk. Her eyes widened and she motioned her finger towards her swelled belly and then at me. I smiled at her widely.

I noticed something was different today and I raised my eyebrow in question. There was chaos in the building and everyone appeared to be in a rush. Heads were joined together and they were whispering about something. It is always busy but not this noisy.

Huh. Strange.

I made my way to the private lifts. I could use the staff lifts but after being literally squashed between dozen people, Arran told me to use the private one. Apparently, he hated his assistant arriving even a second 'late' so he gave me a card to access it. The door was closing but I ran as fast as these heels would allow me. Just when I thought I missed, a hand stopped the doors from being closed. I rushed inside and tried to catch my breath.

"Thanks." I breathed out.

"No problem." Said a deep voice.

Looking at the tinted mirror, I tried fixing my hair when I felt someone's eyes on me. I peeked at the guy on the lift. He was tall and broad and looked familiar.

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