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Liam's POV

I lay Harry down on the couch in the living room as the boys dump their bags near the door.

"Okay boys I'm going to wake Harry up and then we're gonna go over rooms and rules okay?" I ask and they nod.

Louis slowly rubs circles into Harry's tummy and whispers "C'mon baby, get up. It's wakey wakey time."

Harry's eyes flutter open and he immediately reached his arms out for Lou. Louis smiles and pulls the small boy onto his lap before telling Niall and Zayn to sit down as well.

"Alright boys, as for the rooms, you will all share. There is a bunk bed where Niall and Zayn will sleep and a single bed where Harry will sleep. There are two chest of drawers for your clothes and two wardrobes as well. Also, there are three small desks for school work. Any objections?" I ask. They all shake their heads.

"Good. Now onto the rules. As you know when your at this school Louis and I will be your primary carers which means we will be informed of reports going out, if you don't feel well in class we will be contacted and you must follow our rules. Now as far as the rules go, it's just; try to keep grades high, they don't need to be A's but I want you all to try your best at all times, no going out without asking our permission, please try to get along with one another, if we say no it means no, no swearing, drinking or smoking, Harry for you bedtime's 8, Niall yours is half 8 and Zayn yours is 9. If we feel that you have been repeatedly bad or have broken some of the rules then you will be punished. Either by grounding, electronic devices taken away, mouth washing or time out. And that's it. Any questions?" I ask. Harry nods and puts up his hand.

"Yes baby? You don't need to put up your hand." I coo.

"So will you both look after us and not leave us?" He asked looking up at me with big innocent eyes.

"We would never leave any of you, baby, I know we've all just met but Louis and I feel attached to you boys already."I say.

"So will you and Louis act like our parents?" Niall asks.

"Yes we will. You might not like some of the answers we give you sometimes but remember we only want what's best for you." Louis says.

Zayn just sits in his seat quietly. He's the only one that hasn't said anything yet.

"How about you Zayn? You got any questions?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"Okay boys it's half past six so how about I order some pizza while we all get unpacked, then we can watch a movie and then it will be bedtime for all of you." I say.

They all nod their heads and grab their bags and run off to their room.

"They're here Li. Our boys are finally here." Louis says as he snuggles into my chest for a hug.

"Yeah baby. They're finally home."

I call the pizzeria and order two margarita pizzas and then Louis and I empty out bags. We put our clothes in the wardrobe and chest of drawers and our toiletries in the en suite. I set up the PlayStation in the living room and arrange our books on the bookshelf.

At 7 the doorbell rings signalling the pizza. I open the door and pay then I set the table and put the two pizza boxes out.

"Boys! Dinner time!" I call.

They all come running into the room and sit down at the table. Niall sat next to Zayn and Harry sat down across from Niall and next to Louis. I'm at the top of the table.

"Dig in boys." I say.

Dinner goes by with just simple table chat and already I'm so proud of this little family. Zayn loves Marvel and Superheroes and comic books, Niall plays the guitar and Harry loves pancakes and monkeys.

At half 7 I put on Friends as it was too late to start a movie and we all sit down on the couch. Harry insisted on sitting next to me since he sat next to Louis at dinner. Half way through the episode I feel a weight on my chest and look away from the TV to see that Harry has curled up on my lap with his head on my chest. He's so cute. I call Louis who coos and takes some photos before I take him into his room to get him ready for bed. He stirs when I'm putting his pyjamas on.

"Hey baby. I'm just putting your jammies on, you can go back to sleep in a minute." He nods and allows me to put his Ben 10 PJs on.

Once his jammies are on I tuck him into his bed and kiss his forehead.

"Sweat dreams baby."

I go back into the living room and Louis goes in to kiss Harry goodnight.

"Zayn, why don't you come and sit next to me bud?" I say patting the space on the couch beside me.

He crawls over and sits beside me and then half an hour later I find myself kissing Niall goodnight.

Once Niall's asleep, Zayn requests to watch an episode of Modern Family to which Louis and I agree.

After half an hour it's 9 so Zayn gets ready for bed and once again I go into their room to kiss him good night.

At half ten Louis and I go to bed. I bring him into my chest and he snuggles in.

"I love you Li."

"I love you too Lou. And our boys."

So that's chapter two! I'm really enjoying writing this story and I think I'll stick to updating every two days. As always comments and votes are really appreciated!

It would also be amazing if you told me what you liked and what you didn't.




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