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3rd Persons POV

Today the Payne household was off to the mall...again. This time they were hoping for no mishaps and for everything to go smoothly.

Sadly, the universe had other plans.

Niall woke up feeling awful, he knew straight away he wasn't feeling well. His stomach was aching and his bones felt too heavy, on top of that his head was splitting.

He sighed and moved to his side only to whine as the movement hurt his tummy and made him feel even sicker. Luke and a lot of other people in Niall's class had been off school the week before with a bug like this.

"Rise and shine boys! We're going to the mall today!" Louis said in an overly cheery manner as he opened the boys curtains.

As usual, Harry was the first awake and Louis took him to be changed while Niall and Zayn pretended to have not heard Louis and continue sleeping.

"Boys, I'm pretty sure your Papa told you to get up." Liam said, coming into the room after Louis left after hearing no movement.

"I mean it, by the time I get to three both of you better be out of your beds."

"One." No one moved.

"Two." Liam said impatiently.

"Wait! I don't feel well Daddy." Niall explained and then felt like throwing up after he had spoken.

"Niall we really don't have time for this today. Do you remember what happened to Harry when he lied about being sick?" Liam asked, referring to the time Harry had said he was sick to get out of a dentists appointment.

"I've had enough, both of you up now or I'll put you both over my knee before breakfast." 

Zayn got up at that, gave Liam a good morning cuddle and sauntered into the living room.

"Niall, up." Liam said and pulled back Niall's covers.

Niall reluctantly got out of bed, he did so very slowly trying not to upset his stomach with any sudden movements.

"For gods sake Niall," Louis said (did anyone else read that in his voice? 😂"Are you still not up?"

"He's just getting there Lou. He keeps complaining of a sore tummy."

"Well it seems like both Haz and Niall have had previous when it comes to lying about being unwell."

Niall didn't say anything in fear of throwing up everything he ate yesterday.

"Get dressed, we're leaving in fifteen." Louis said before exiting the room.

"I really don't feel well Daddy." Niall said and Liam sighed.

"Okay baby, how about this? We go shopping and if you still don't feel well after we've been there for an hour we can come back home? Okay? Some fresh air night actually do you some good."

Niall just nodded and Liam helped him get dressed. Once all the boys were dressed they had a quick breakfast and left for the mall, hoping it wouldn't be too busy as it was quite early.

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