Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

After checking my bruises, I stripped and got in the shower. When I got out went to my closet and changed into some grey joggers and a oversized black shirt because I will be packing all day considering we leave tomorrow for New York. When I finish I go back in the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth.

When I got downstairs and walk in the kitchen where Benny is sitting at the counter. When I walk in he looks up at me. "Mommy went to work at 6." he says.

My mom works as a nurse so she normally works early in the morning until around nine at night so we don't see her as often as we wish to. She has to work all the time to help pay for things we need and the bills. She used to work even later but when I told her I got a job she was able to cut back on her hours. I get around four-hundred dollars for every fight I win so I have to fight pretty often to be able to get enough money for food and bills.

I turn to my brother and ruffle his brown hair and ask "Did you have breakfast yet?"Benny shakes his head, "Do you want me to make you some?" I ask and he nods enthusiastically.

I laugh and kiss his forehead before making him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a juice box and a cut up apple. I also make myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich with an apple and orange juice. Then I prepare another peanut butter and jelly sandwich and orange juice for Oliver before I go upstairs to wake him up.

Before I leave the kitchen I turn to Benny and say "When your done go and put your uniform on and brush your teeth, you don't want to be late on your last day."

After he nods in reply I continue my journey upstairs to wake Oliver. Oliver and Benny are going to school today to say goodbye to their friends while I stay and pack the rest of the house. I don't mind though, it's not like I have anyone to say goodbye to there. It's not like I was a bullied or anything, I just wasn't considered '"

I start walking upstairs to wake my brother because if you don't he will literally sleep until noon. Once I reach his room I walk in and stand beside his bed. I gently shake him while saying "Oliver c'mon you have to be at school in an hour!"

He just groaned in reply,

I shake him harder "Come on you still have to get dressed and eat breakfast!"

He pushed my hands away and rolled away from me. I huff and stand up straight with my arms crossed and say, "Fine I guess I'll just go get the bucket."

When I say this he shoots up and yells "I'M UP!" and falls out of the bed right in front of my feet.

I smirk, resisting the urge to burst out laughing, "That always works." I say while walking out.

I close his door but not without hearing him yell "You're Evil!".

I walk back downstairs to see Benny in the living room watching SpongeBob Squarepants on the couch. I walk in and plop down on the couch next to him. We wait for thirty minutes before Oliver comes down dressed in his uniform and he takes Benny to school. When they leave I start packing the last of the stuff in the house.

Later in the day they both came home and Oliver starts helping pack while we told Benny to just go watch TV. The moving truck came around six so we packed some stuff in there until it got dark. We then went inside and I tucked Benny into bed. My mom came home later and told us to go to bed and that we have a big day tomorrow.

When I went to my room I went to my closet and changed into some grey sweatpants and a dark blue shirt I didn't pack up for bed. I brushed my hair out and set my alarm for the morning. We will be leaving at eight in the morning so I set the alarm for six so I could finish putting everything in the moving truck, then wake everybody up to leave.

The Street Fighter *Original Version*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα