Chapter 11

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I should be posting faster now because I know how this will end and this chapter is dedicated to @ElephantsCo because their comment made me laugh:))

Chapter 11

The next morning I woke up and went downstairs with Benny and the guys to make breakfast. Halfway through eating the pancakes we made, my mom strolls in without even saying anything to us. We haven't seen her in weeks and she doesn't even acknowledge were in the room when she finally comes home?! I wait for around three minutes for her to say something and when she doesn't say anything i speak, "Oliver can you take benny and the guys and go upstairs?" i tell them and he looks at me with a worried expression so i nod to let him know i'll be fine. He grabs Benny and they go upstairs.

I walk over to the counter and my back against it so i'm in front of her. She doesn't even look up at me.

"Hey mom!" I say with fake enthusiasm, she finally looks up at me and just nods in greeting. I narrow my eyes at her, "Wow," she looks up at me, "You've been gone for weeks and I can't even get a hug, or even a proper greeting!" I say, my voice starting to raise. Her eyes look so different than they used to, they used to be happy and full of life, but now they're just dull and almost like all the life was sucked out of them when my father left. I haven't seen her smile since he left.

She swallows hard like she's swallowing the lump in her throat. "I've barely even had a conversation with you since we moved in this house mom."

Finally she says something, "I've been through a lot." is the only thing she says.

"Mom all of us lost someone close to us, he's our father, that's half of our support system, but ever since he left it's like both of you are gone!" i'm to the point of yelling now. "We were going through a lot but we had each other talk to but you won't let us help you because you just keep leaving, Benny barely knows his own mother anymore and Oliver and I are responsible for making sure the bills are paid on time, getting a good education, and taking care of Benny while you're out doing whatever you want!!"

She doesn't say anything, just sitting there silently crying while looking at me with an apologetic expression. I couldn't take it anymore. I was so angry I left her standing there while I went upstairs and changed into my gym clothes. I grabbed my gym bag and headed downstairs and I heard the guys calling my name but I ignored them and continued downstairs. I was so angry I just needed to get rid of it before I snapped at someone.

I got to the arena and got set up for a fight. When the fight started I was too distracted thinking about everything that my opponent got a few good hits on me before I finally woke up and fought back. When I came home that night I had a cut on my eyebrow and bruise on my cheekbone.

I walked into the house and towards the kitchen where I saw the lights were off so that meant my mom was in bed. When I walked upstairs and into my room I didn't even get to turn on the light before I heard my older brother's voice, "Where have you been?!" he asked sternly when i finally close the door. I flick the switch on and see Oliver sitting on my bed. He takes one look at my face and his stern face softens. He walks over to me and wraps me in his arms. Thats where I finally break down and cry, he just holds me and when I calm down helps me clean the cuts.


The next day I wake up determined to talk to my mother and tell her what's been happening. She might not like what's happening but I am getting my dad back to matter the circumstances.

I walk downstairs and see her sitting on the couch with her coffee, when she sees me she puts her coffee down on the coffee table and goes to stand up but before she can I say,"Sit down I have to talk to you."

She looks at me confused but sits down anyway. There's a pretty long pause but I eventually tell her everything and that we plan to get dad back at the competition. She started to freak out when I said I street fight like dad did but calmed down when I told her that I wasn't involved in a gang.

"I promise mom I am going to do anything and everything in my ability to get dad back." I told her.

She looked at me with a saddened expression, "I don't want you getting hurt either."

In response I grabbed her hand because I can't promise that.

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