Between the Raindrops

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Chapter 19—Between the Raindrops


Claire woke slowly; the memories of the night before still weighing heavily on her mind. She didn't know who she was when she was with Myrnin. She thought she knew...teacher and student... and yes, that was true; but she had always felt something more. She assumed it was their shared love for science and knowledge - all of the things that he understood completely about her, when no one else could. She loved his spontaneity and charming antics - how he never held any part of himself back. Or so she thought - until he looked at her with a completely unexpected hunger in his eyes.

With that one look, he had unlocked something deep inside of her, which she had never realized was there, and had no idea how to handle. Her body seemed to know exactly what it wanted - that much she couldn't deny. She was completely unable to resist the pull she felt toward him when he looked at her in that way; the strength of her desire for him shocked her system, and overwhelmed her senses. But with this realization, came remorse - she knew she had never felt anything comparable to this - so, what did that say about her relationship with Shane? Had she been faking it with him all along and never even knew it? Could she have been so blind about herself? No, she couldn't deal with the reality of that thought right now; it was just too painful and confusing.

As she opened her eyes, Claire could see Myrnin, still lying next to her, asleep. It was rare to find him sleeping, his features so completely relaxed. She ached to reach out to him.

Her entire focus had been on how to fix the pain she had caused with Shane. She still wasn't sure if she was ready to give up yet, ready to admit that some mistakes cannot be fixed. But as she stared at Myrnin's sleeping form, she realized she had been caught up in fighting herself, trying to force herself not to feel for him. He deserved better. She promised herself she would stop fighting. Instead, she would really pay attention to who he was, and how she felt when she was near him.

Claire couldn't resist any longer and gently let her fingertips touch his face. He immediately opened his eyes and she could see him evaluating if there was a threat, and then visibly relax as he realized it was her. He looked at her inquisitively, and Claire wondered, what emotion, her face conveyed.

"I want to go out," she started.

"Anywhere," Myrnin agreed and grinned, "Did you have a specific place in mind?"

"The Hotel Gardens. I wasn't able to see much of them when we arrived."

"Alright..." he said slowly.

Claire could tell he was trying to understand the reasoning behind her request.

"Although, there are clouds and we could quite possibly, be rained on," he cautioned her.

Claire smiled, "Perfect."

This time he raised an eyebrow, but left the question unspoken.

Claire stepped out of bed and went into the guest room to change. She carefully selected a green silk button-down blouse, and paired it with a slim cut skirt that wrapped around her, connecting down the side with a long silk ribbon, laced through loops on both sides. As she made her way back into the main room, she saw Myrnin silently appraising the way she looked. The clothing made her feel beautiful, and the way he was watching her made her feel empowered.

Claire noticed a small tray and settled down to eat. Myrnin was still eying her carefully. She knew he sensed a change in her, and was working to understand it.

He seemed to hesitate and then said, "I think I will go for just a minute, love. I will be back soon."

Claire knew he was reacting to her. He wanted to feed because it helped him maintain control. She smiled coyly and said, "Yes, I think that would be wise."

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