Promises We Can't Keep

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Chapter 45 –Myrnin's POV– Promises We Can't Keep

Rhysian sat lazily on the couch and peered over at me. " that you've got the girl...what are your intentions?"

"My intentions?" I laughed, wondering where this conversation was headed.

We were interrupted by a hard knock on the door. His eyebrows went up.

I smiled widely, knowing what to expect. "I presume it is just an associate of Amelie's dropping off a little gift she helped me procure for Claire."

My smile faltered when I opened the door to find the Court Jester standing there; then immediately laughed out loud as I realized he was holding my gift for Claire.

His eyebrows furrowed as he huffed and brushed past me into the lab, slamming the gift into my chest as he walked by. That just made me laugh harder as I held the overtly revealing Tardis blue teddy and matching stilettos he had deposited into my hands.

"You do make an excellent errand boy," I chuckled with a smirk.

Oliver spun to face me, his features livid.

Testosterone fueled excitement ignited in me and I carefully set the garment aside, so that I could put my full attention into playing with Oliver.

Rhysian jumped from his seated position on the couch and was in my face in an instant. "Unless you intend to piss Claire off immensely, I suggest you put it back in your pants and let's just hear what he came to say."

It took a second for me to regain control over my impulse to rile the Jester up one side and down the other. Rhysian waited. "You never let me have any fun," I snapped.

Rhysian rolled his eyes and stepped out of my personal space.

I trained my attention on the Errand Boy. "Yes?" I asked with a mock air of concern.

He returned my stare with his own look of disdain, clearly wishing he were anywhere but here. "We need to discuss the borders. What have you found?"

I wondered how he could talk so clearly, through gritted teeth like that. My eyebrows pulled together. Admittedly, we hadn't found much. "To date, there are zero indicators that any of the security protocols have been breached. I am beginning to think this was an inside job."

Oliver frowned, "We've had people scouting all of the suspected locations, but if it is a well-established resident, they could go under the radar indefinitely. I don't like waiting around for their next move, in order for us to get another clue, as to who we are dealing with. Unfortunately, Amelie has amassed a great number of potential the list is quite long."

Oliver must have been finished because he simply walked out the door. I looked back to Rhysian, who just shook his head and took my brief moment of silence as his opportunity to pick up where he left off, "Back to your intentions..."

I smirked at him, as I picked up the teddy and heels. "You asked for my I need to be any clearer?"

"Don't be an ass. You know what I am referring to. As her stand-in father, I think it is my duty to make sure the man who is courting her, fully plans to do the right thing by her."

I rolled my eyes. "Rhy, when have you ever known me not to do the right thing?"

His gaze hardened and I gathered he was remembering more than one of my past indiscretions. I gave in to his plea to be serious. "Rhy, I have loved her for as long as you have known me. Even when I didn't know her, I loved her. And now that I do know her, there is absolutely nothing that I wouldn't do to protect her and keep her safely by my side. Now, can we stop with all of the brotherly bonding and go? I suspect the car is waiting. It is 7:00pm, which means we are already fifteen minutes late." I glanced at the time on my phone before pulling up the camera and snapping a quick photo of the outfit.

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