Chapter 18

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Louis' POV

"Guys! Guess who's having a party this weekend!?" Niall exclaimed.

"Is it Josh Hutcherson's?" Liam asked and Niall nodded franticly.

"He has the best parties! We have to go!" Niall exclaimed. We all nodded cause no one can say no to the Leprechaun. Niall sat down next to Liam and started eating his food, occasionally subtly stealing Liam's chips. 

"So, Harry you're coming to the party right?" I asked turning to Harry.

"Yeah, why not?" Harry shrugged.

"I can pick you up if you'd like." I offered.

"You're always driving me." Harry chuckled a beautiful chuckle that was music to my ears.

"I don't mind." I shrugged.

"You don't have to I can get Niall to drive me." Harry said and I felt jealousy running though me again.

Does he not want me to drive him?

"No I do, I just don't want to put you through all the trouble." Harry reassured.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did." Harry chuckled.


"It's not my fault!" Harry said.

"Can I please drive you?" I begged and Harry smiled warmly at me and nodded. He didn't bother asking why I was so desperate to drive him, which I was grateful for. We continued eating our lunches then walked to our lockers. Me and Harry were still talking so we walked together to his locker, then to his class.

"Don't you need to get your books?" Harry asked me and I shook my head.

"Nah, I'll get 'em after."

"It's times like this I remember that you are a badass." Harry said chuckling and walked into his classroom. I shrugged and walked to my locker then to my classroom to start the boring subject that is Maths.

Nap time!


"BooBear!" Someone yelled in my ear. I looked up ready to yell at them for distrupting my sleep. Then I realized only two people call me that, and I could never yell at them.

I looked up and saw the angel that is Harry. I stared at him trying to figure out why he's here, "Yes?" I asked.

"Your class ended and mine is about to start. You need to go." Harry said amused. I looked around and saw kids in Year 11 in the classroom. I jumped up from my chair and quickly gathered my books before saying a quick bye to Harry and left the room. I walked to my locker and put my books away before grabbing my clothes for P.E. and walking to the gym. When I got there I went into the locker room ignoring the teacher who was calling for me.

I got dressed into my t-shirt and basketball shorts. I put my clothes in the locker and admired the tattoos that were visible. I walked out the locker room and into the gym. Once the door shut behind me the teacher looked up and glared at me before walking in my direction. He had a stern look on his face while I held a blank one.

When he close enough to me he started talking, "Late again, Tomlinson."

"I know."


"I didn't make it here fast enough." I stated and he glared at me.

"Well, I told you last time that if you're late again, I'd give you a detent-" Mr Lukus started but was cut off by the gym doors opening. I sighed in relief and made faces with Zayn while Mr Lukus had his back turned. I was pulling a face when Liam tapped Zayn's shoulder and he turned around and stared at something. I turned too and saw Harry walking up to Mr Lukus, with a smile on his face.

"Umm... Mr Lukus, Ms Knux wanted me to give you this." Harry said quietly handing him a note. I smiled warmly at him because I thought his shy side was adorable. He smiled shyly at me and my smile just grew on my face. The teacher read the note and took the pen Harry gave him and wrote something down. He gave it back to Harry and Harry flashed his beautiful smile, dimples and all, at me one more time before exiting the gym. Mr Lukus must've forgotten what he was about to say because he told everyone to run five laps.

Note to self: Thank Harry later.


I arrived out front of Josh's house and Harry and I walked in since the door was wide-open. Once we walked inside the music got ten times louder and Harry didn't seem to like it so I put my hand on the small of his back and lead him to where I remember the drinks were, and if I'm correct Niall should be there and he should know where everyone else is.

I was correct. Niall was sitting at the bar drinking. Me and Harry said 'hi' and he repeated our words, "Where are the guys?" I asked him.

"Zayn found Perrie and now they're on the dance floor and Liam's dancing with some slut." Niall said the last part with so much hatred and disgust and I was really confused then Harry gave him a sympathetic look like he knew what he was talking about and that just confused me more.

"Uh.. do you want a drink Harry?" I asked still very confused.

Harry shook his head, "I'm underage." He stated.

"So is Niall and he's drinking like his life depends on it," I chuckled then looked at Niall, "Slow down mate." He glared at me and took another drink. I sighed and looked back at Harry.

"I don't know..." He said still unsure.

"Please, I won't be drinking much either cause we have to get home afterwards but just get a bit tipsy, it's fun. Plus you've drank before," I said remembering the night we shared our first kiss which he doesn't remember, "Oh! You don't have to if you really don't want too. Don't think I'm pressuring you." I quickly added.

"I guess getting a bit tipsy won't hurt." Harry said reaching for a beer. He opened it up and drank some. I smiled and drank some beer myself.

Harry and I got more and more drunk as the night went on. We ran into Zayn and Liam a few times and they were as drunk as us. Niall stayed at the bar the whole night, which confused me because he usually would've found a girl by now but I was to drunk to think more into it. After a while I realized I had to use the loo and excused myself from Harry. I had to claw him off me because he didn't want me to go, then I had to resist the pout he gave me afterwards.

Once I was done with the bathroom I went back to where I had left Harry to find him gone. I went to the bar to ask Niall and what I saw made me want to kill the Leprechaun. Zayn and Liam were also there staring as wide eyed as me, but theirs were from shock and surprise mine was from shock, surprise and anger.

Harry and Niall were in the middle of having a hot snogging session. Tongue and all. Harry had his hands firmly on Niall's hips and Niall had his arms around Harry's neck. Saying I was angry would be an understatement. I was furious.

I walked onto the dance floor angrily and grabbed the closet girl in sight. Eleanor Calder. One of the hottest girls in school, we've done it a few times so it just took a few minutes of dirty dancing and kisses on her neck to get her upstairs and in a bedroom, lying on the bed with me straddling her.

I made a few hickeys and she kept moaning. I kissed down her collarbone and stopped when I came to the fabric of her dress, making her whimper. I smirked and took of the dress with ease before massaging one of her boobs and kissing down her skinny stomach. I was about to remove her underwear when I heard the knob jiggle.

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