xv. Anchor

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♡ Odette's POV ♡

I was starting to get bored out of my mind.

Not like the beach house wasn't nice or anything, but ever since Ivy appointed Seamus head of security, Seamus had driven out here and was suddenly taking his job rather seriously. Serious enough to not let anyone out of the house for instance.

"Please Seamus? Just for a little while?" I begged him as I lay on an expensive-looking leather couch, stretching my sea-blue painted toes out. I was dressed in some skinny jeans and an old grey pullover, my hair braided into another of Falene's intricate hair plaits.

She claimed even though I was dressed so casually, my hair could still be pretty enough for a royal ball. Falene was a strict believer in that a girl could do anything she set her mind to, as long as she had a good head of hair on her shoulders.

"Sorry, Miss Carlton, no can do." Seamus said, offering me a small smile. He was standing by the wall of the recreation room, watching over me while Zayn and Ivy consulted over some things, considering he was king and all now. He was wearing his black royal guard uniform, and it looked rather uncomfortable.

I had a feeling I must have been quite the boring thing to watch over for Seamus, since the only thing I had done in the hour he had been in the room was paint my nails and watch television. I didn't really have any other thing to do, and I was secretly thankful there wasn't a ball or party or anything extravagant to go to today or anytime soon.

Mother Nature had decided this morning would be a great time to give me my little monthly present, and I wasn't too happy about that. Thankfully, Falene had brought along some feminine necessities along with the bags of clothes for me as we moved to the beach house.

So here I was, hanging off a leather couch with the worst cramps I had had in a while and the head of security having to babysit me until my prince--er, king--came back.

"You can call me Odette, you know? Miss Carlton makes me sound old." I told Seamus, who seemed a bit taken aback, blue eyes wide.

"Are you sure? I don't think his Majesty would like it--" Seamus tried to make excuses.

"I don't care if Zayn doesn't like it, I don't like it. I think I overrule him on this topic." I assured my bodyguard, twisting and turning on the couch until I was upside-down, my blood rushing to my head and slowly starting to turn my face red. I was extremely bored, hopefully Seamus would take pity on me.

"Miss--Odette, what are you doing?" Seamus asked humorously, chuckling as he witnessed my perfectly made up face turn red as a tomato.

"Entertaining myself since you won't let me go outside." I huffed at him, the blood flowing to my head starting to get uncomfortable.

"Well doesn't that hurt you? You're going to have to turn right-side up eventually. Plus you're going to irritate your stitches." He told me, smiling as I stuck my tongue out at him.

I tended to be a bit more animated when I was on my period, why, I was never sure. But he was right, turning upside-down was starting to bother me a lot, and I tried to turn myself right-side up, only to lose my balance and fall off the couch. Seamus immediately raced over to me, gripping my hands to pull me up.

"Are you alright? Maybe that fall knocked some sense into you." Seamus joked, and I only rolled my eyes at him before joining in his laughter.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Seamus released my hand before sighing.

"You seem to be doing better after the whole coronation incident." Seamus mumbled, clearly not wanting to rip apart healing wounds. But it was too late, my whole demeanor shifting.

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