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Odette Malik was sure her husband was going to lose it.

He was being very supportive throughout all of this, but he could be a little overbearing at times.

Like right now, the Queen was sat on the back porch of the Manor gardens, her husband rushing around to get her everything she needed. All she had done was say how nice a lemonade sounded right then in the hot weather, and he had darted off to get one for her.

Odette always said he didn't have to personally get her everything, Falene and several other servants were more than happy to do that for her, but Zayn insisted he had to learn to do things himself now that he was going to be needed around the Manor much more than normal. Odette had to admit she was proud of him, willing to take on much more responsibility than normal.

It was true, he was most definitely going to be needed around the Manor more often, especially since there would be not one, but two little Maliks running around.

Odette gently rubbed her swollen stomach, her mind creating visions of little Zayns running around the house, chasing their father and getting into mischief. They had known she was carrying twins for a while, but she had insisted the gender be kept secret. While she knew Zayn always said the gender didn't matter to him, Odette always knew he wanted a son. Either two Odettes or two Zayns would be born soon, and the whole Manor was full of excitement.

Falene had taken it upon herself to design the twins' bedroom and nursery, going over everything with Zayn and Odette (well, mostly Odette; Zayn could only debate which pastel paint of blue to use for so long). She had done a fantastic job, it was perfect. There were plush animals and two matching cribs, a rocking chair Odette's mother had given her at her baby shower, a baby monitor, and the cutest little mobile above the beds.

Everything was ready, the only thing needed were the actual babies now. Odette was already nine months pregnant, and supposedly due at any time. Needless to say, Zayn began helping her with anything, always paranoid the babies would come at any moment.

Odette sighed as she stared out into the gardens, watching as Travis, Falene's husband, trimmed his animal bushes, putting the finishing touches on a giraffe.

They had gotten engaged three years ago, when Travis had come to the Manor looking for a gardening job. He had always had a soft spot for the curvy girl and her infectious optimistic attitude. It had taken several strategically placed bushes for him to propose a year and a half after they met, taking her to the very top balcony of the Manor for her to see 'Will you marry me?' spelled out in foliage. And the rest, as they say, was history.

Travis gave the queen a wave before continuing his work, Odette raising her arm to wave back when she felt a sudden pain course through her. She gasped and immediately placed her hand on her stomach, Travis noticing and dropping his garden clippers to run over to her.

"Are you alright, Miss?" Travis gushed, arms outstretched to help her up. He was from the southern part of the Empire, preferring to call Odette Miss or Ma'am.

"I'm f-fine Travis, can you please get Zayn?" Odette said shakily, Travis' big blue eyes were wide and he nodded, his huge sun hat falling off, only staying on his back by a string tied around his neck. His blond hair was matted down with sweat from the mid-day heat, but he still rushed the Queen indoors, where Zayn was about to walk out, two lemonades in hand. He froze when he saw Odette clutching her stomach, Travis helping her walk.

"The babies are coming, Zayn!" A scared Odette exclaimed, Zayn rushing to his wife. If you asked him now about that day, he would probably tell you he felt like he was having a heart attack.

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