twenty - i wanna taste her lips cuz they taste like you

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Louis didn't leave Harry, and the two boys ended up laying side by side on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Harry had calmed down enough to start rambling on about random things, and Louis was content to listen to Harry's soft, slow sentences. He inserted small comments here and there, always knowing subconsciously when Harry needed him to nod in agreement or add support to some far-flung idea. Louis wanted to know everything that went on in Harry's head, and Harry was just happy to have someone to listen to him for once.

Of course he could talk to Liam and Niall, but it wasn't the same. He felt more reserved with his friends -- with Louis, he could say anything. He always thought carefully before speaking, but with Louis, every thought that came to Harry's mind seemed to slip past his lips before he realized what was happening.

Louis was the opposite. He had never been a great listener. He always wanted to give his own opinion and tell everyone what he was thinking. He had a terrible habit of interrupting people or speaking over them, but as soon as Harry started speaking, he shut his mouth immediately. He always wanted to make sure that the younger boy felt heard and listened to. He knew that it was sometimes hard for Harry to say what he was thinking, but Louis wanted to be the person that understood every corner of Harry's brain, no matter how little sense Harry made sometimes.

And maybe it was the alcohol, but it was in these moments that Louis realized that he would never find someone else like Harry. He would never be able to replace this beautiful, green-eyed, curly haired boy. And he found himself wondering if this was what it felt like to find your soulmate.

He had never believed in soulmates, but he believed in Harry. And Harry had somehow found a way to change everything.

The party was still going on downstairs, but they were in their own world. At this point, nothing could distract them from each other.

"Lou? Are you listening to me?" Harry's voice pulled Louis from his thoughts. "What are you thinking about?"

Louis turned his head to the side and his eyes immediately met Harry's green ones.

"You," Louis replied honestly. He found himself unable to tear his eyes away from Harry's face, although he could hardly bear to see the innocent look on the curly haired boy's face, especially as Harry blushed furiously at Louis's words.

Louis could feel the alcohol starting to course through his veins and he was starting to regret chugging two drinks in such a short amount of time. But Harry looked so beautiful laying there beside him -- he looked beautiful all the time, but Louis was powerless to ignore it now -- and Louis simply didn't know what else to do.

A part of him wanted to lay there and absorb Harry's beauty all night. Another part of him knew that he should be going back to the party, or going home because he was definitely a little bit drunk.

But another part of him couldn't stop staring at Harry's full lips, tinted red from where he'd been anxiously biting them. And that part of him wanted nothing more than to feel Harry's body against his and never let go.

"Lou?" Harry whispered, once again taking his bottom lip between his teeth nervously as he studied the blue eyed boy's face.

That was all it took for Louis to lose control.

In one smooth motion, he rolled over and crashed his lips onto Harry's. Harry froze, taking a moment to fully process what was happening. One minute he was gazing at Louis, wondering what on Earth the other boy could be thinking, and the next Louis was practically on top of him. Kissing him.

Louis nudged Harry a bit, snapping him out of his thoughts as he finally kissed Louis back. Louis rolled over further so that he was completely on top of Harry, pressing him down into the mattress. Harry's hands instinctively found Louis's hips and he had never felt this alive.

Louis bit down lightly on Harry's lower lip and Harry whimpered in response, opening his mouth for Louis's access. As Louis's tongue explored Harry's mouth, Harry's hands slid lower so that they were resting on Louis's bum. Feeling a bit more confident, he squeezed lightly, causing Louis to moan quietly into Harry's mouth.

Nothing had ever felt so right.

And Harry knew that it was the opposite of right. It was completely wrong, but Louis's mouth was moving against his and he hadn't felt this feeling in his entire life and he never wanted it to stop. He never wanted to lose this feeling. He never wanted to lose Louis.

Suddenly, Louis's head snapped back from Harry's and he stared down at the boy in confusion. Harry's eyes were still closed, lips red and swollen. He'd never looked so beautiful to Louis.

Louis scrambled up off the bed, staring down at Harry in shock as he ran his hands through his hair. "No, this is all wrong. I need to go...I need to go find El."

Harry stared at Louis for a moment, completely shocked at the boy's abrupt reaction. He knew that he should just let Louis go, and that once the boy left the room he could curl up and cry because for a split-second he had thought that Louis could possibly care about him.

But he knew he couldn't do that. He wasn't an idiot. This had happened too many times for Harry to sit back and let Louis walk all over him.

Anger boiled up inside of his stomach, and after letting Louis take all of his mood swings out on him for so long, he finally snapped. He couldn't take it for another second.

"You're fucking insane, Louis. This isn't my fault! You came onto me!" Harry practically shouted, scooting up on the bed so that he was sitting up and shooting Louis a death glare.

"I've had a couple of drinks!" Louis protested, gesturing desperately with his hands. "This isn't what I want, I'm just confused. I feel so confused."

"You can't keep doing this to me! I'm not a doll that you can just play with and then put away when you get bored of! I know I'm not as beautiful as she is or even anything compared to her but somewhere, deep down, you know that you want me more than her," Harry yelled. "I don't understand it any more than you do, but you have feelings for me, Louis Tomlinson. Whether you like it or not."

"No," Louis shook his head, thoughts spiraling as he stared in shock at the green-eyed boy in front of him. He had never seen Harry like this.

"Yes, Lou," Harry replied firmly, standing up from the bed. Louis took a step back, trying to keep the distance between them. Harry took another step forward. "Just admit it."

"No," Louis said, voice much louder this time. "I love her, not you."

Harry stepped forward again so that Louis's back was pressed against the wall and Harry's face was mere inches from his. His breath was warm against Louis's face as he growled out the short, strong statement:

"I don't believe you." 

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