forty three - confessions

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After the drama of the weekend, the four boys were almost thankful to go back to school on Monday. Ironically, things finally seemed almost back to normal, despite the fact that the last few days had been unbelievably eventful. All of the tension that had built up over the past months had exploded and now, the dust was finally starting to settle.

And, as they left their first class together with Liam leading the pack through the bustling hallway, Louis reached down and slipped his hand into Harry's. Harry's head shot up from where he'd been focused on the ground in front of him -- with his clumsiness, he was prone to tripping and embarrassing himself in front of all of his classmates -- and his green eyes met Louis's blue ones, silently asking, "Are you sure?"

The older boy just nodded and squeezed his hand a bit tighter, and they followed closely behind their friends as Niall rambled on about some nonsense that the teacher had said.


At the end of their last period, Liam pulled Harry aside. Louis had gone off to his locker, with Niall trailing aimlessly behind, probably still talking about something random until Louis finally got annoyed enough to tell him to shut up.

"How are you doing? You know, after everything?"

"It was a lot," Harry admitted, pulling his books from his locker as he spoke. "But I'm glad Louis worked everything out with his mum. He seems much happier already."

"He does," Liam agreed. "So did you talk to him about what happened that night? You know, the party?"

Harry shook his head, his cheeks growing hot at the memory. "No, I didn't tell him. I'm embarrassed, honestly. I don't ever want to be that drunk again. I don't even remember most of what happened."

"What do you remember then?" Liam asked, obviously pushing Harry toward something that the curly-haired boy couldn't quite figure out.

Brow furrowing, he tried to remember. "Well, I called you and told you what happened, and I asked you to get me drunk. And we went to some house party, and Niall accidentally broke a table . . ." Harry shrugged, looking to Liam for help. "Other than that, it's mostly just a blur."

Liam lowered his voice. "So you don't remember, um, maybe a kiss?"

Harry's hand flew to his mouth, his eyes widening in recognition. The memories flooded back immediately with Liam's words. He leaned back against the lockers for support.

"Oh my god," he breathed. "I was dancing with some guy and he kissed me. I can't believe I forgot."

"That's what alcohol will do to you --"

"Liam," Harry interrupted, still trying to fully process the situation. "I cheated on Louis!"

"Hold on, hold on," Liam said, taking a step closer to his friend to keep their conversation as private as possible with their classmates buzzing around them. "Louis was literally on a dinner date with his fake girlfriend, so don't go putting any blame on yourself. That said, though, I do think you need to tell him. Full disclosure and all."

Harry immediately nodded in agreement. Over Liam's shoulder, he could see Louis and Niall making their way back toward them through the crowded hallway. "You're right. I'm gonna tell him as soon as we get home."

"Ready to go?" Louis called. As soon as he reached Harry and Liam, he wrapped an arm around Harry's waist and rested his head lightly on the younger boy's shoulder. With just one day, Louis was already much more comfortable openly displaying his feelings for Harry. The hot glares of his classmates felt less and less heavy with every passing hour.

As if sensing that Harry was still too shaken to reply normally, Liam quickly intervened. "Let's get out of here."


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