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❥ "Oh. Hey Coiny." I smiled, still tired, and my head still hurt.

"Oh. So you didn't find Pin?" He frowned.

"She's in the front yard."

His smile returned. "Thanks, but before that.."

He walked into the room and pulled me in too. I closed the door as my hand was being yanked gently.

"If it's not too much to ask, could you tell me everything that happened? Back then? If you didn't tell Pin already."

I sighed. I guess it wouldn't hurt to stretch the truth every once in a while, like here.

I laid on the bed as I spoke, "I was just asking him a simple question, and he had to get all defensive and punch me. Of course, it was only self-defense for me to hit back." I laughed.

"Oh." He looked surprised, but it subsided. "Thanks, once again. I was just...wondering." He walked out of Pins room.

What an asshole, only disturbing me to ask where some other unimportant person was, then asking about personal shit like her.

I should be a priority.

I shook my head, ridding of the bad thought.

I stared at Fireys room. The door looked burned, not how I remembered it at all. Maybe he got worse.

I quietly stepped out of her room, back in front of Fireys door. I touched the center of it. It felt... really recent. It was unexpectedly hot.

In this moment, my headache didn't matter to me.

I attempted to grab the doorknob, but it burned my hand. I immediately let go of it, rubbing my hand with the other.

I don't know why, but I was curious about what was going on in that flames room at this very moment, to make him burn his damn door.

I snapped out of my thoughts, only to hear the sound of broken glass.


My room.

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