alternate ending

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> Alternate Ending


> AN- This is going to start back at chapter 62 When shes just gotten home from the hospital and she was originally sleeping non-stop. Also pretend that her cast is off her leg.


> Enjoy!


> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



> Day 4 out of the hospital


> "Carson, Carson."I open my eyes to see my mother standing over me."Its breakfast time." She tells me.


> I look around and suddenly everything thats happened rushes back to me. I make some kind of noise and roll over. I can hear her leave and shut the door behind her. I try to fall back asleep and just as I'm about to my phone goes off. I just ignore it and go back to sleep.


> -


> "Carson, Wake up." This time my sleep is disturbed by my father. I could tell by the lack of light in the room it was late.


> "Its time for dinner, Could you please come down and eat with us?" I shake my head no and close my eyes again.


> "Love?" I hear Niall's voice loud and clear. I open my eyes to see him with a tray full of food. "You need to eat." I shake my head no. "Come on. Please."


> He hold out a pice of bread for me. I look at it for a second then take it knowing I can't win with Niall. I eat slowly. We don't speak. I just eat while he rubs my leg. I don't know what to say and I don't really have anything. I never know what to say in weird situations. Thats what Niall usually does.


> "We will get through this, I promise." He says once I've eaten and laid back down in bed. I look up at him as he sits next to me. I can feel tears slide down my face and he brushes them away.


> "It hurts Niall." I tell him. He gets a really panicked expression.


> "What does? Your leg?" His hands move from my sides.


> "No, not physically."I shake my head. He relaxes.


> "Oh, I know, Love." He lays and cuddles next to me. He holds me and I squeeze him. I don't ever want to let go.


> Day 5 out of the hospital:


> "Hey Carson,"I open my eyes and Charlie is sitting above me. "Jeremy is on the phone for you." She holds out the phone for him. Great. I can't talk to him. I've already disappointed him so much. I shake my head no. She sighs and leaves. I roll back over and close my eyes when my phone goes off again. I ignore it again but it goes off again and again. I groan and sit up. I pick up my phone and I have ten messages. I look at the first and its from Niall.

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