14. Royal Academy

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"Adailia dear, I hope you are done with all your holiday homework.", said the Archduke in a hopeful voice.

I choked on my orange juice.

"I had homework?!"

The Archduke and Archduchess gave me a sad look while Seanna had a neutral expression like she was used to this.

We were having breakfast together the day after the ball, having merry conversations where I said nothing more than, 'yes' and 'of course'. I don't know how the conversation went from the Archduke telling me that 'he appointed a new chef who cooked at the ball because his cakes cheered up my mood (which he knew thanks to Seanna the snitch)' to my vacation homework.

"Well, it can't be helped. Anna, sweetie would you help Adailia with her homework. There are still 2 days left for the Academy to open. She'll finish by that time." The Archduchess said giving Seanna a helpless smile who nodded in return.

After breakfast, we both left for my room to do the homework. Or that's what I thought.

I totally forgot that Seanna always did Adailia's homework and Adailia's books were kept in Seanna's room because Adailia didn't want to spoil her mood by looking at the books.

"Don't worry lady Adailia, I'll -"

"Bring the books to my room and tell me what I have for homework. I wish to try and do it by myself if I have any problem I'll call you." I cut her off. I was actually excited to see what kind of books were in this world. I was secretly hoping for it to be the books and subjects similar to that in Hogwarts, like Potions and defence against dark arts or something like that.

Seanna looked taken aback but quickly recovered and nodded before dashing off to her room to get the books. Looks like she is getting used to the strange behaviour of this psycho (it's normal actually but strange since Adailia is the one doing it).

After Seanna brought my books and told me my homework. I plopped on my bed and got started with it.

I first read all the books to get an idea of what exactly I need to do.

I was disappointed to see the books weren't about magic. It was about the imperial history, different types of species in the empire, geography of the empire, finance management, Mathematics and a book giving all necessary information about the neighbouring empires and kingdoms.

Finance management was easy since I already studied it in my previous life and I didn't touch Mathematics book cause I had a feeling it would be easy, besides, who reads Mathematics?

Geography was hard but interesting at the same time, it gave information about how different sections of the empire had a different culture and topography and I tried to memorize them while reading.

I was a smart kid so it was never hard for me. I mean I managed to score above 90 per cent just by just paying attention in the classes and pulling all-nighters before exams. I had a good memory and that is why I was able to remember this story's plot which I read over more than ten years ago.

But brains was all I had. I wasn't pretty at all and later I became a tiny bit fat but I didn't care. I had a well-paying job, a comfy apartment, yummy food and a manga collection, what more do I need (apart from water and oxygen of course).

The rest of the subjects were super interesting and I finished them all in a day.

I noticed that all my subject's homework was already done except Math. Seanna probably thought I was going to tell her to do it anyway so she started with it beforehand.

I had two exercises to complete and I only had a half an hour before the clock struck 10 and I was forced to sleep by the maids.

I quickly opened the book and was shocked to read the first equation.

2x+1=1, x=?

Like, WTF?

Do you take me for a joke? All those hard brain hurting exams and then the college entrance exam was like five hundred times harder than this!

I started solving and the more I solved the more I realised, no AP, no trigonometry, no geometry! What the hell are they teaching students then? 2+2?

I was done within 15 minutes and went to bed early, tomorrow is the first day for the Royal Academy and I'm excited.

I took a deep breath in. I was nervous for some reason. Maybe because I haven't been to school for around ten years or something. 

Feels good to be young.

I got out of the carriage and started walking towards the gates of the Royal Academy with Seanna trailing behind me. (I knew my way till the common room cause I've been there during the ball). The last time the carriages were allowed inside the gates and directly in front of the main door through which we entered the ball. However, this time the carriages were supposed to drop the students off at the front gates, so we had a long walk through the yard before even coming close to the Royal Academy.

Most people call it Royal Academy but it actually has a different name, it was mentioned in the novel.

What was it?


"It's been some time since I've been to the Monster Academy," I said.

"Do you mean Moonstar Academy?" Seanna interjected


  It was Moonstar and not Monster???

What the hell? I was reading it Monster Academy throughout the book.

How in the world can I read Moonstar as Monster? At time like these, I really start to doubt my ability to read. Not really the first time this happened and I'm pretty sure won't be the last.

"Yeah right. I meant Moonstar." I agreed with Seanna and continued walking towards the building. After we reached the building Seanna bid me goodbye and I nodded and started walking opposite to where Seanna was walking.

It was plain logic. It was mentioned in the novel that the knights and the mages had two different buildings opposite to each other which were connected by a very huge common room (where the ball was held).

I walked towards the building where supposedly all the people in the knight faction should be.

And I was right.

As soon as I entered that building I found strong muscular boys and I guessed a few of them, as they were in the ball two days ago.

Besides, I could see armoured men protecting the building.

As I was walking to any random direction I was wished by a young lady who wore a formal attire, "Welcome Back Lady Adailia, I hope you had a pleasant Vacation. Here is your schedule for this semester."

I nodded and took it.

I scanned the entire paper and found that the lessons held in the classroom were very fewer in number. Most of them were practical based and had to be conducted in the ground. The boys had sparring  which wasn't compulsory for girls however girls had embroidery as a compulsory subject.

First was Mathematics.  Cool.


Where is the Math room??!!

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