15. Benchmates

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A/N: I'm very happy and excited for getting 1k views on this book. As a celebration I'm posting a double update today.



I found the correct room.

Guess how?

Easy. I followed Traashid.

It was mentioned in the novel that Adailia had every single class with the Prince because she had pulled some strings and threatened the staff to put her with the Prince in the starting of the year.

Of course, Traashid shot me a dirty look when he noticed I was following him but boy, I couldn't help it. I'll have to follow him around, at least for today.

I sat at the back of the classroom beside the window while Traashid sat on the first bench of the first row. Wow! This guy is trying to keep as much distance as possible with me within the same room. I sighed and waited for the teacher to head in.

As the classroom filled everyone was silent and nobody and I mean nobody sat beside me or Traashid. Probably because they know Adailia's trashy personality and don't want to get involved with her. Besides, anybody sitting with Traashid on Adailia's watch would be signing their contract to death with Adailia.

But surely I won't kill them. Maybe threaten them to sit somewhere else cause ain't nobody ruining my ship. I hardcore ship Traashid with Seanna and nobody is destroying my ship under my watch.

Yeah, I was that type of a person who'll scream and spend nights weeping silently and asking God 'Why? What did I ever do to you?' if the female lead won't end up with the person I ship her with. I legit threw my phone once when someone else took the female lead's first (kiss or sex, I don't remember accurately). Of course, I regretted throwing my phone and cursed myself all over again.

I sighed. Too bad Seanna is a mage and she doesn't have a single class with Traashid except Lunch.

If they are going to be this far, how am I supposed to build my ship?

I sighed yet again and watched people scrimmaging outside in the grounds.

The teacher headed in and was surprised to see two of his fellow students standing in the back of the class.

The benches beside me and Traashid were empty but they didn't dare to sit there.

"Why are you standing?" The man said in a stern voice. He definitely is that type of a person who you shouldn't mess with, but that just makes you want to mess with him more.

"We will need two benches, professor." The boy said.

Professor? Yasss! Harry Pottahh style!!

The professor's eyes scanned the room and stopped for a moment on me and Traashid.

"I see two empty benches though." He pointed out.

The boy and the girl gave each other a hesitant look.

"Stop wasting my time and quickly sit. The girl with brown hair, sit beside the Prince and the boy with green hair, sit beside Lady Adailia." He said and opened his book.

I opened my book, without glancing at the boy who was walking towards the bench beside me.

I could feel eyes on me, the bystanders probably curious as to why I'm so calm; the girl, probably looking at me as if trying to figure out exactly when I'll burn her house and the boy, probably giving me a cautious look.

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