Chapter sixteen

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I didn't sleep through the night. The crisp rain dragged its nails into my skin, penetrating deep to my bones, and froze them solid. There was nowhere to escape from the rain. I tried hiding under the thin mattress. It worked for about thirty minutes before I was back to laying on the concrete like an old sponge. Crying didn't make a difference either, my tears were warm from my eyes, but soon turned ice like the rest of me.

By the time morning came, the storm left. I had sat there shuttering from the cold when the roof closed itself, leaving me to sulk in the dim lighting. The monster had me trapped. There might not be an escape.

It has been an entire week since that night; the night I tried and failed at escaping. A week had gone by and I hadn't seen the monster. He hadn't bothered to come torture me himself. All day, all I did was sit in the silent cage. I've run out of thoughts. There is no escape.

The only person I see is the young girl who brings me meals twice a day. They are always the same. Breakfast is stale bread and some warm oats of some sort. Dinner is the mystery slime and an apple. I no longer get the privilege of using metal utensils. I use a plastic spoon. Every day.

Counting the bars that hold me caged is my only pass time. There are forty-five if you count them without the large bar that belts the middle of the cage. I am truly going to go insane inside here.

Right now, I am in a constant doze, unaware if I am actually staring at the bars with my eyes open or closed. Those bars have been imprinted in my mind.

A distant creaking door causes me to slowly move my head to the left. I don't bother standing, too tired.


I see the black shadow approach me. I can't smell him. He doesn't have a scent. Maybe the smell of rust and mold have compromised my nose.

The figure comes into view and my eyes widen.

"Aiden." I gape at the man as he reaches the bars.

Grabbing the railing, I drag my weakened body to it's feet.

Standing face to face, mouth slightly open, I have no words.

He tilts his head to the side, curious by me. Do I look different? Has dirt covered my features?

I reach a delicate hand out past the rusty bars. I move a stray piece of his blonde hair out of his face. It is soft. His hair is so soft.

"A-are you real?" I stutter out, scared to touch his skin. I'm scared if I touch him he will disappear into dust. A ghost of my imagination.

A small nod is all I get. Those crystal blue eyes dig into mine, searching for answers.

I point my finger out, inching towards his temple. In seconds, I finally place a finger on him and he does not vanish.

A spark lights up my finger, traveling all the way up my arm and filling my heart. I drag my finger softly down his cheek, brushing his soft lips.

"It's really you." I gasp, tears pooling in my eyes.

He furrows his perfect eyebrows, his eyes dance with blue swirls making me want to jump into the pools of crystal waters.

"What do you mean am I real?" He finally speaks. Wait, that's not his voice.

I open my eyes wide. I am on the floor, leaning against the burnt orange bars.

I turn my head and see Zane, his black eyes pierce into mine and his brows are furrowed. Was I talking in my sleep?

He bends down next to where I had slept on the bars, his eyes searching mine with confusion.

"You don't look so well." He examines. He pokes a finger through the bars, scratching the shoulder of my jacket gently.

I try to laugh but my voice is so horse I start coughing.

"You know, just suffering in a cage." I finally sputter out after catching my breath.

His finger stops it's movements and his mouth forms a thin line. An emotion shows on his face but he quickly conceals it. Finally a smirk etches it's way onto his lips.

"Lucky for you, I have grown bored of freezing you out."

I scowl, moving away from his attack on my jacket to face him fully.

"What next? Gonna start peeling off my toenails?"

He chuckles, "As much fun as that sounds, I have an.... event," His eyes dance with.., something else. Is he in a playful mood?

I lean backwards and grab my half full bottle of room temperature water. Maybe that will help my dry throat. I take a long sip before I reply.

"Oh? And what, you want to move my cage to center stage? Show every body you kidnapped the Head of the Guard?" I mentally roll my eyes a few times. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. This pack is violent and his members would get a kick out of it.

I stare at the bottle of water, it only has like three more big gulps in it and it is only early afternoon. Frowning, I decide to go ahead and finish it off.

He smiles at my remark. Licking his lips he says, "I want you to accompany me."

Water spews from my lips, all over myself, all over my cage. Gaping at my soaked pants, I finally drag my gaze back to Zane.

There the soon-to-be Alpha crouches by my cage, soaking wet, and glaring at me through dripping strands of dark hair.

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