Chapter twenty four

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I spent the next day in my room. Hiding. Evangeline brought me my meals when the time came. I spent the day reading the small atlas by my bed table. It gave me a map of the pack. I now know where all his boarders are located. I know where exactly I am on the map. We are at the north side of the pack. Beyond Zane's estate is a few square miles of dense forest. There is a lake on his property, however. From the sketching on the map it looks beautiful.

It is evening now. The rain has finally stopped outside, giving me courage to initiate my plan. It is simple, I am going to just walk out. I know escaping is pointless. That isn't my end goal. I just need to go for a run. My wolf has been trapped inside me for weeks and I am growing restless.

When we don't let our wolves out, we get angry. Our emotions are intensified. Kind of like addict's withdraws. Or maybe a constant PMS. Either way it isn't healthy.

Maybe that's why Zane is always so cranky.

If I am caught by his guard in the garden, then I will just tell him to kiss my ass and get over it. How could he refuse me to go outside. It's just a walk, it's not like I'm plotting his death.

Or am I?

I quickly pull on some spandex shorts and a tank top provided by Evangeline. The clothes won't travel with me when I shift, but they will be easy to slip back on when I return.

I swing my bedroom door open, abruptly running into a hard chest. Strong hands steady my bare arms. They are warm yet cold at the same time. The grip is intense.

I flick my eyes up just as he quickly releases me.

I then tilt my head to the side.

"Who are you?" I furrow my brows at the strange new man.

He stands posted outside of my door. He wasn't waiting on me. I can tell by the shocked look on his face. He wears a tight black shirt that hugs his muscles. Maybe his shirt is a size too small, because everything is on display. Along with his shirt he pairs a pair of dark jeans and black sneakers. He looks casual, but something about the way he stands says otherwise.

He clears his throat, taking a step away from me and straightening his posture. He finally says "I am to make sure you remain in your room." He states blankly. His eyes are an intense mint green. Like the dark leaves on a tree in the rain forest. They stare at me awaiting a response.

"Well sorry, I'm leaving." I brush past him, knocking my shoulder with his elbow. I make my way down the hallway but his giant hand wraps around my bicep, halting my movements. He pulls me back in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Miss Bright, but I cannot let you leave." He informs me. I see a hint of pity in his eyes. Does he feel bad for keeping me here?

"Chillax, I'll be back." I reassure him, trying my best not to roll my eyes to the ceiling. I go to move away from him, but his grip tightens around my arm. It doesn't hurt, but sends the message: Do not mess with me.

"I suggest you return to your room. I have strict orders from the Alpha." His eyes burn warning signs into mine. The way his eyebrows slightly crease together, creating a small indention of skin in between his eyes, he is almost attractive—In a bad boy sort of way.

"And what is your name?" I say as innocently as I can muster. I flutter my eyes a few times to really sell the deal.

"Theo." He gives a small nod as he says his name, he looks proud. Theo is short for Theodore, a name meaning divine gift.

I lean closer to him, my eyes no longer holding any form of innocence. He blinks at my relentless stare, a sign of submission.

"Theo..." I repeat his name, getting a feel for it on the tip of my tongue. "Tell your little Alpha that I am going for a run," I whisper close to his face, "And if he wants to drag me back, tell him I said game on."

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