Chapter Twenty four

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I slept in the next day. We both did. After the night we had, it was only natural. But by the time I woke up, Malik was no longer beside me. Before I could stop myself I groaned.

Calm down, Iris. I'll be back soon.

His voice filled my mind. Arrogant much.

I could care less. I replied back.

He chuckled, are you sure? I'm getting real kitty vibes from you. Who knew your wolf was this clingy?

Get out of my head!

I blocked him out and made my way to the bathroom. We were still staying in the smaller room on the second floor. Yet again, the master bedroom was under construction. I'm sure the wolves in charge of the building we fed up. After last night, there were two car-sized holes beside the two walls. Yeah, that's what happens when the Alpha and Luna are not mentally stable. Wait, did I just refer to myself as Luna? What is wrong with me?

I touched the mark on my neck again. The scar was there this time. This stupid mark is making me needy. It's annoying.

I showered, got ready, and came downstairs to find something to eat. The pack house was unnaturally quiet and empty. I checked the wall clock: 11:38. I guess they must be training then. And now am all alone in this big house. It made me miss Malik. Ugh! I couldn't even stand him now. I miss him. No wonder mother said mate bonds made us weak. I am acting like a needy teenager, a very annoying one.

"Luna," a voice I did not recognize called out from behind me. I turned to see a blonde-haired she-wolf. She bowed slightly and barred her neck. I nodded. "I'll make your food," she said, walking past me to the kitchen.

"Where's Madame Louise?" I asked behind her. "Oh, she not feeling very well, so she sent me here instead."

"And you are?"

"Every" she replied.

"And do you know where the Alpha is?"

"Oh, he is meeting with the elders and other ranked wolves"

"And where is that, exactly?"

"Oh, that's kind of a secret."

My brows went up, and I became so curious. "A secret meaning you can't tell me?"

She looked away, then back at me. "Yes, Luna I'm pretty sure that's what a secret means," ooh I like her.

"But I'm the Luna now, so I think I have the right to know." I folded my arms and glared at her. She smiled.

"That is even more reason"

I chuckled, looking away briefly, crossing my hands across my chest, then glaring back at her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?".

"Following orders." She stated matter-of-factly.

"Did Malik tell you to do this?"

"Do what?" She smiled. Ooh, this bitch.

"Keep this secret."

"No," she shook her head.

"So? What are you doing?"

"Following orders," she repeated.

"Whose orders?!" I yelled.

"Mothers," immediately that word came out of her mouth. I froze. Suddenly, it came to me that she was a witch. Her face changed, and I finally recognized her. I stepped back, summoning fireballs in my hands.

"Rosemary," I breathed.

"Yes, sister?" The blonde melted away and the blinding red that I remembered came back.

Iris: Child of prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now