Chapter Forty.

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Malik held me in his arms as he ran. He gave out orders in the pack mind link, and by the time we reached the bunker in the middle of the woods since that was the only place the intruders hadn't found, he set me on my feet. Leonard was waiting there. He was guarding the pups and without even asking; I knew his mate must have been there as well.

"Luna," he murmured, walking towards me. I gave him a small smile, my hand gripping tightly to Malik's upper arm as he held me steady. "Are you okay?" He asked, and I shook my head softly, unable to lie to him.

The look in his eyes mirrored how the feeling I had felt in my heart. The mind link was oddly quiet, save for the occasional report of things. But the feeling, this sadness, and heartbreak was a general thing. I knew why I was sad. It was just wrong what was happening, and how many innocent people were getting killed. But I would never have thought they would be sad at a time like this.

Yet they were. It was obvious these wolves weren't attacking because they wanted to, and it broke hearts to kill people who weren't even aware of what they were doing. These wolves, this pack, had a love for their kind. My eyes lifted, and I looked at my mate, only now noticing the pain etched on his features. My chest hurt so badly.

He nodded and sighed, looking up at Malik. "How many have died now?"

"None," Malik replied, and his eyes widened. Malik's gaze settled on me and he smiled softly. "Iris didn't let them."

Leonard looked at me. "You can do that? You can heal others?" He asked, and I nodded. Glancing nervously at the Alpha, he walked to me. "I know they are the enemy, but he is only a child," he whispered, and we knew what he meant without him even asking.

"She can't do that right now," Malik said and Leonard's gaze flew to his. "She has been healing people all night. Our wolves and theirs alike, she cannot continue wasting effort treating symptoms instead of the disease." He said.

"Can you stop this? All on your own?" He asked, and I nodded.

"I have to try," I replied.

"Iris!" Aria's voice caused me to turn around. She and Absalom ran to us along with Avery and another red-headed wolf I recognized as the Beta's wife. In her hand was a large basket. She wasn't the only one carrying a basket. They all were.

"How are you feeling? I heard you have been healing wolves. Why wouldn't you rest?" Aria nagged and I could only respond with a small smile.

"I am surprised you came back here after what happened the last time," Absalom said, placing the basket down by my feet. "Will this be enough?" He asked.

I nodded. "I should be fine, as long as I don't go into the bunker."

"I think you should be able to go in there. The Alpha burnt down everything in it." Avery stated, and my eyes widened.

"I couldn't take chances, and I didn't know exactly what it was that caused you to react like that." He explained.

"It was the talisman," I replied. "The one you got from the mage king."

They all looked confused. "That was what almost killed you?"

Witches like werewolves have banes. Witches have two sources of power: life and time. Absorbing the energy that lies in the life of a living thing is the most common way to get fuel for our spells, and draining life from a plant is enough to last a witch at least two weeks. We drain life from living things to create spells with energy to cause a disturbance in the natural order of things. That is why most times large-scale witch spells are usually held in cemeteries where there is a lot of residual energy. I like to gather energy from plants or little animals. But most of my energy this time comes from the tank that time had filled.

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