22 -story time-

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This is a real story, and it does belong to me.

I was sitting on the couch this morning, roughly around noon. I'm on wattpad and I'm reading a book. I prefer to be alone, so I can do what I'd like in piece, and not be patronized for it. As I'm minding my buisness, in runs my 3 year old sister, and apparently, she's pissed at me. "J-R!" She screeched as she planted herself in front of me, crossing her arms. "I so, so mad at you! " She yelled at me, stomping her foot. I'm confused at this point, so, being the good older brother I am, I asked her: "why?" "'Cause you not in the car!" She yelled at me, stomping her foot again. I process what she said, before speaking again. "Why do I gotta be in the car?" I asked, still confused. This made her even madder, apparently,  since she started stomping her feet non-stop. So I sit there and watch, before she finally turns back to me. "Get in the car! You meanie! You not nice!" She proceed to pull a hissy fit. This ticked me off, I hadn't done anything wrong, and I didn't know what car she was talking about, so stopped her.

"Who do you think you are, little lady?" I asked her, my voice a little harsher than I meant it to be. She stopped and stared at me, before answering. "I sam." She stated simply, pointing to herself. I blinked. "I suppose that logically makes sense - " I started, before she cut me off. "Oh yeah! I win! I the best!" She exclaimed, starting to dance. I watched as this child, DANCED sound me, rubbing in the fact that she had "won", apparently... she continued to dance, singing a silly little song of "Uh huh ' s and I wins" until she got to our front door. She walked out, still singing and dancing. I shook my head and went back to reading.

About 2 minutes latter she comes up to me, an angelic smile on her face. "Can I sit with you?" She questioned, and I nodded, lifting her up and placing her in my lap. Not even five seconds pass before she says, "pssst. I have secret" She whispered, and I raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?" I questioned, and she giggled. She leaned towards me, and I bent down slightly, allowing her to whisper in my ear. WHAT she wispered was NOT what I expected, nor was I happy with it. She whispered:

"I win"

Before jumping off my lap, again dancing and singing, once again disappearing outside.

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