Chapter 6: A new friend

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I felt a small flick on my forehead. I glared at Phillip who stuck his tongue out not feeling bad at all.

"I would have drowned you in water if we weren't out in public." I harshly spoke, taking another sip of my drink.

"I wouldn't have done that if you didn't keep dwelling in your own thoughts." he shot back.

"Anyway these days you have been in your thoughts a lot lately," he leaned back on the wall, glancing over at me.

"Why is that?"

I finished the last bit of my drink, looking at the champagne glass in my hand, "..No reason."

"That doesn't sound like it."

"I wouldn't be able to tell you anyway," I said with exasperation.

"Why not?" Phillip asked, placing his hand on the wall beside me. His body now in front of me as he traps me between his arms.

'...Wall slam? Wasn't this often used back in my world?'

"People can see you idiot."

"I already used my magic to make it invisible for the time being."

"Hah, dark magic." Expected it.

"So? Why can't you tell me?" he asked once more, a dangerous glint shining in his eyes.

Calmly I spoke back to him, smirking, "Because I'm afraid your brain wouldn't be able to get it."

He scoffed, "Even when I'm doing this to you, you still won't stop trying to insult me?"

I shrugged, "If there's a chance, I will take it."

Phillip chuckled, removing his arm and moved back, "Fine, I'll let you off this time but there won't be a next time."

I laughed, "Who said there will be a next time for this? Whatever, let's just drop it. I want to meet the girl that caught Blaive's heart."

Phillip snapped his fingers and his magic wore off. We made our way over to where Blaive was and called his name out. He turned to us and waved. Beside him was a petite looking girl with smooth pale skin. Her hair was a few shades darker than Phillip's and she had dark blue like sapphire eyes. Overall she looked extremely cute.

I turned to Blaive and nodded, patting his shoulder. He sent me a confused look. "I understand why you like her. I too want to protect her." I nodded firmly. Blaive showed me a look before it disappeared.

"Uh..hello I'm Catherine Denys, Blaive's fiancée." she bowed.

"Hello I'm Lilyana Kimberleye and I'm sure you know our highness, Prince Phillip." I said, introducing both of us so Phillip didn't need to.

She shyly smiled and nodded, "It's nice to be able to talk to you Lady Lilyana. I'm really honoured."

"So am I, I heard about you from Blaive." I grinned, glancing at Blaive whose ears were turning reddish.

Catherine gasped, "Really?"

"Yes and I always wanted to see who was the person who caught Blaive's heart." I teased a bit more.

"Lilyana." Blaive spoke.

I chuckled, "Let me have my fun, you only ever open up to us so knowing someone other than us is really interesting."

"Blaive has talked about you to me as well." Catherine spoke, playing with her fingers nervously.

"He seems to always be in a good mood every time he does. I'm happy to be able to meet the people who make him happy!" she beamed.

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