Chapter 7: Be late or you'll die

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After that event, my peaceful days continued on and now it was three years later. I am now fifteen, getting ready to depart to where I will study for three years and watch the story between the heroine and Phillip unfold.

"Remember to always get enough rest and three meals okay. Don't forget to write to us every single week- no day!" my father continued going on and on that my mother had to forcibly shut him up so I could finally leave and not be late.

"Take care Lilyana. We both love you very much." my mother said, pressing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

My father gave him a bone crushing hug before finally letting me go. I giggled and nodded, waving goodbye to them.

"I will come back when we have a break, I love you two very much. Take care!" I smiled and got on the carriage.

My luggage was all secured behind and the carriage started moving. I continued waving at them until they couldn't be seen anymore. I could see my father crying into my mother's shoulder as they watched me leave the household.

Just like anytime I sat in a carriage, I looked outside the window and soon got lost in my thoughts. I was about to start my school life in the best and only magic school in this country. Where the story shall take place. Taking in a deep breath, I calm my beating heart.

'It's okay, the heroine only comes when we are in the last year of school.'

Reassuring myself, I continued watching the scenery change before my eyes. The sides of my lips were curving upwards. Although I was nervous about the whole story thing, I couldn't help but feel excited knowing I will be able to learn more about magic and this unknown world I suddenly arrived in at the age of eight.

"Milady, we have arrived." the coachman spoke to me.

"Well I just need to avoid making my magic unstable and let them love in peace so I can relax in the after story."

Stepping out of the carriage, I smiled to myself as I stared at the huge building in front of me. "Hopefully it would be that easy."


"That is everything milady."

"I see, thank you for your help gentlemen." I smiled warmly at them.

Flustered, they nodded before hurrying away. I shrugged, at least they finished their job. I opened the boxes straight away not wanting boxes everywhere in my dorm room. Because of my status I was able to have my own room but I declined it and requested to room with Catherine.

We became close friends after meeting each other at the party. We also promised each other to share a room in school. I placed all my dresses and uniform away in my closet and cleaned everything else before Catherine came.

Staring at my uniform that I will have to wear everyday, it was a black pinafore and a dark red blouse underneath it. I nodded to myself, liking the colour scheme the school had used before putting it back.

"Lily!!" I heard Catherine as soon as she opened the door to our shared room. I smiled widely as I gave her a big hug.

We chatted as we moved everything Catherine had brought to the dorm and when we finished everything, the sun was starting to set. I fell on to my bed and stretched my arms and legs.

"I'm so tired~!" I said, relaxing all my muscles as I let my body sink into the soft bed.

Catherine giggled at me, "At least we finished cleaning everything up."

"That's true but still," I sighed.

"We should go get dinner soon," Catherine reminded, looking over at the wall clock in the room.

"Food!" my stomach grumbled at that thought.

Catherine and I changed into another dress and headed to the dining hall where every meal was served. Humming, we found a table for the two of us and got our dinner.

Taking a bite of the first meal I ever had in this building, I hummed in delight. "This is so good Cath!!"

She smiled at me enjoying my food before she dug into hers. Her eyes shone as she approved of the food as well.

"My, already the first day being here and you are stuffing your face with food once again."

I paused my eating and glared at the owner of the voice, clearly not entertained by them.

"Shut it pretty boy, let me eat in peace." I grumbled, restraining myself from throwing the fork at him.

Phillip snickered, pulling out a chair to sit next to me. "Still calling me pretty boy as if it's an insult. I take it as a compliment~"

"Shut up!" we continued to bicker like usual while Blaive and Catherine had their own talk.

"Hello Blaive." Catherine greeted with a bright smile.

Blaive nodded, showing a small smile before taking a seat beside her. "You have some sauce on your face."

Catherine blushed, covering her face. "W-where?"

She was about to grab a napkin when Blaive already wiped it off with his thumb, licking it away after that. "There it's gone."

Catherine's face turned beet red before quickly giving all her attention to her food as she was too embarrassed. I glared at Blaive, how dare he do such acts in front of me and my food?!

I bitterly ate my food, blocking Phillip from trying to snatch any bits of it.

"Lilyana, don't forget that I will be escorting you to the ball tomorrow." Phillip said, leaning against the chair.

We were now chilling in the dining hall after finishing dinner. Thankfully nobody had come up to us and tried talking. Everyone was just too tired for that today. I sighed, placing my elbows on the table as I held my head up with my palms.

"What if I said no?" I asked nonchalantly, clearing too tired for anything at this point.

Phillip smiled, leaning closer to my face, "Our. Deal."

I blew my bangs in annoyance. "Fine. Don't be late tomorrow or I will-" I held my thumb near my neck before slowly moving from left to right- "kill you."

Phillip grinned already used to my meaningless threats, "You know I will never be late."

Leaving his seat, he leaned to ear, "Rest well, my fiancee." he whispered before blowing air into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I frowned about to throw a punch at him when he dodged it and ran away. I continued glaring at his figure before sighing.

"One day I will end you, Phillip Everett."

"Why would you do that?" Catherine asked. Just like Blaive she was already used to us bickering and she too knew about the deal Phillip and I have.

I look at her, confused. "Why? Because I don't like him."

Catherine chuckled, resting her head on her palm, "Doesn't look like that."

"What do you mean by that Cath?"

She sighed, "I mean you two look like you both like each other."

I scrunch my nose in disgust, "Cath I love you but please get your eyes checked."

Catherine pouted, "You always say that whenever I tell you that and it is clear Lily! Right Blaive?"

Blaive nodded but didn't say anything else. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "I'm sleepy, I'm heading back to our room first. Good night you two."

I got up my seat and left the dining hall. Heading into my room, I changed into my pyjamas and went under my blankets. Staring at the ceiling, I remember Catherine's words once more.

Me liking Phillip? That's like following the path where I will die. I can't let that happen. Phillip is the male lead meant to be together with the heroine. This world was made for them. Clenching my fists, I try to get some shut eye.

Even if I do like him, I will ignore it and bury it deep inside me. Until the day I die, I will never reveal. For the sake of myself, him and our friendship of almost eight years.

That is if I do like him.

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