33: Graveyard shift

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Paige ran a hand through her hair while going through a few books on mythology

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Paige ran a hand through her hair while going through a few books on mythology. None of which were helping her. She couldn't just search up her weird powers and find exactly who she was. There were thousands of results and none of them were definitive enough for her. She was grateful that Stiles basically lived in the hospital because he was waiting for Lydia to get better.

This allowed Paige to sit with shorts on in the room and air out her wound. It scabbed over and she'd remove the bandage every day to clean and cover in petroleum jelly before bandaging it again. That was something she learned from Scott's mom after she fibbed saying she was doing a health class research paper on treating wounds from home. But that was also if that person had stitches and Paige just kind of let her bite scab over.

She also didn't understand how Lydia had a hard time with the bite but was now in her healing process. While Scott was perfectly fine and it healed extremely fast. And here Paige was knowing that the wound was there and that it hurt incredibly, but she didn't have a reaction like Lydia. It was just like a normal bite wound to her. It was healing quickly and she felt it whenever she'd shift. Scott thought it was a cut and Stiles thought it was a muscle sprain. Which only made Paige feel bad that she was keeping this from them.

Paige threw the Greek mythology book down with a groan because none of what she read made sense. There were bits and pieces that fit, but nothing with everything together. She was ready to just give up completely on trying to figure it out and just let things happen. She was certain that more crap would build up and someone would eventually know.

Falling back in the bed and rubbing her eyes from how tired she was. Her phone buzzed again and she reached for it. A message from her Aunt.

Hey, Paige, I was just wondering when you're coming home. You can't stay with Stiles forever.

Paige didn't believe her aunt didn't share everything with her. If she knew about the werewolves and the hunters, there had to be more that she was keeping to herself. And until her Aunt was willing to tell her, Paige was going to stay with the Stilinskis.

With a frown, Paige chucked her phone down onto her backpack and fell back again. One leg extended and the other leaning off the side of the bed. It was a comfortable position considering the wound on her thigh. Abruptly, Paige sat up causing the pain from her leg to shoot through her but her attention was the headache she suddenly got. And the pure panic seemed to fill her freaked her out.

Paige didn't hesitate to get to her phone and call Stiles, "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Wh-" His voice on the other end was distressed, "How did you- Uh, Lydia, she's gone. I-We heard her scream and now she's gone."

"Gone?" Paige limped over to Stiles' closet and pulled out her duffel of clothes. When she knew her Aunt wasn't home, Paige would snag more of her clothes to wear. She tugged on a pair of sweats, "Like disappeared?"

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