44: Out of Commission

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Stiles had a scowl on his face the entire time, their night was absolutely terrible

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Stiles had a scowl on his face the entire time, their night was absolutely terrible. Stiles was knocked out and put in a dumpster, then when he went to get his jeep fixed after Erica trashed it, he was attacked by a lizard thing. Whereas, Paige was thrown around and broken by Erica. Which only seemed to make Stiles incredibly pissed off.

Paige had a comminuted bone fracture in two different places, which Melissa was so incredibly shocked to see. She didn't call Maggie because Paige basically begged. She did call Sheriff Stilinski since he was the one taking care of her. Melissa figured that Paige would need an adult to pick her up.

Melissa asked Paige maybe four times how she got her injuries and all Paige said was she didn't remember, that it all happened really fast. Which made Melissa believe that Paige might have been hit by a car, which made her search for a concussion or some head damage. Melissa wanted to get Paige a head CT but Paige said she was fine and that her family couldn't afford it. So she opted with splint and not even the surgery that was meant to help with the healing process.

Her humerus was fractured along with her ulna, and Melissa said that there was bruising all over her head. And small cuts at the base of her neck, probably from where Erica was holding her. Melissa warned her that since Paige didn't get the surgery that her fractures would possibly not heal properly and that they'd need to open her up and break them again. But Paige just kept saying it was fine and that she'd deal with it when the time came around.

One thing was for sure, Paige wouldn't be able to play lacrosse for a while since Melissa said that comminuted fractures took months to heal. Which was kind of making Paige a little more irritated with Erica since she broke her right arm. Which was her dominant arm. Now she had to deal with not being able to take notes and not being able to play lacrosse. Coach was going to be beyond pissed. She didn't have that many bruises though, which she was grateful for because walking around with the splint and everything was enough for her.

"I swear, I will personally find a way to put wolfsbane in Erica's food."

Paige huffed as they walked onto campus, "Don't get yourself killed over a couple broken bones."

"A couple of-" Stiles gaped over at Paige and looked directly at her arm, "You're basically handicapped for a few months because Erica was upset with you."

"And I'll heal. I'm not dead at least." Paige lets out a long sigh and moves to her locker to get her books out, "Personally, I'm more sad that Melissa said I shouldn't eat sweets and have a healthy diet to promote the healing process. But enough of my crap. What did Scott tell you about Uncle Deaton?"

"He hasn't told me anything about that yet." Stiles answers, "He was going to talk to me about it today."

Paige set her backpack down on the ground and opened it with her good hand before dropping her first period text book. She used her foot to hold her backpack still while zipping it shut. "Okay, I'd tell you to text me to keep me posted but I don't have a phone right now."

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