Chapter 29- Dashing the Hot Reindeer

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"Alexis! Get the door!" Mum yelled from the kitchen.

I walked downstairs and braced myself for one crazy night.

I opened the front door to find Llorona, Ashton, Leni and Chris all dressed appropriately for the occasion. I must admit that I'm quite proud.

We all greeted each other and I gestured them inside.

"Oh shit, I smell something really fine" I laughed at Ashton's desire to know what was cooking.

"That dear Ashton is good stuffed turkey and freshly baked cookies that I made not long ago"

"I think you're my new best friend"

We all laughed and chatted away until there was a light knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Llorona says, jumping from the couch.

And there we saw all three of the ones I haven't seen for two weeks, if not more.

Slowly, Carter, Josh and Kayla walked into my living room.

Everyone got up to greet themselves and get to know each other.

I said a quick 'hello' to Carter and Josh but for some reason, I was too nervous to even look at Kayla. After all, she is still my best friend-I hope.

Yep, that's right I was going to act like an eight-year-old and make her come say hello to me because it was 'my house' so that means 'my rules'.

Kayla looked around awkwardly and so did I. Not once making eye contact with each other.

Another knock was heard at the door, this time I went and answered it.

As the door swung open, there stood the most attractive organism of the male species.

Ryan freaking Einstein.

My Ryan freaking Einstein.

He gave me a cute smile and I returned one.

"Wow, " he says, looking very impressed.

"Wow what?" I ask cocking one eyebrow upward.

"You look...stunning" he blushes.

I look down at my long sleeved, flared out maroon dress with my simple black pumps.

"Why thank yo, Einstein, you look quite dashing yourself. See what I did there? Dashing?"

I laugh to myself whilst Ryan looks at me as if I'm an idiot. But because I actually am an idiot, I kept going with my pun which I personally thought was funny.

"You know...the reindeer? You look-"

"Yes muffin, I get it", Ryan assured me.

I blushed of embarrassment but Ryan just chuckled and took my hand and walked us both to the living room. As soon as Ryan and I stepped into the room he was bulldozered by his 'boys'. Llorona, Kayla and I just stood back awkwardly and watched as they all bro-hugged. Seeing Ryan all smiley and cheeky with his mates makes me feel as though I'm keeping him back from something. I don't know what it is. Maybe just as simple as living?

You're overthinking Alexis, stop.

I don't know, just something about the image in front of me just made me feel so...selfish.

Leaving my thoughts I was snapped back into reality by a voice I hadn't heard for awhile. "Hey," Kayla says nervously.

"Hey," I say back quietly for only her to hear. I didn't want to get looks from Ryan or the other guys. Not the time or place.

Sh*t! I'm Sorry!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang