Chapter 13: #From Bat To Worse

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You, Jessica, and Zee are helping Babs with the boxes for moving into Metropolis.

Jessica: Where do you want this lamp?

Babs then point at the dresser.

Babs: Oh, over there.

Zee: dnoura sith evlover!

Zee then uses her magic to finish the whole room.

Zee: Well, what do you think?

Babs: it! It's even better than my old room. I'm starting to think Metropolis just might, sort of, possibly be a little bit better than Gotham.

(Y/N): *while holding a box* Yo Jess you missed one

Jessica then saw you holding a box.

Jessica: Oh thanks (Y/N) I knew we forgot one.

Jessica then uses her ring and hands the box to Babs as Babs looks into the box and finds an old toy that looks like Batman and puts on a saddened look.

(Y/N): Is something wrong?

Babs: No. It's just that I'll never forget that beautiful summer's day in Gotham city.

Flashback sequence

A younger Babs just saw the bat signal and she has the old toy with her.

Young Babs: This is it, Bat Knight, old buddy, old pal. Tonight we show Batman what we got. Tonight, we cannot be denied. Tonight, we finally join Team Bat.

Later, she was on her bike finding the place where the crime is taking place, she then hears her father's voice from a walkie talkie.

Mr. Gordan: Batman, this is Commissioner Gordon. We're on our way, but you may have to stop the robbery on your own.

Young Babs: Not if I can help it.

When she arrived at the scene, she sees the criminal tied up to a lamppost and she sees Batman on the rooftops as she watched in awe. She then see him leave.

Young Babs: Wait, come back! You forgot your new teammate.

Then a kid in a red shirt, black mask, green gloves, and at a size a few inches smaller than Young Babs.

???(Robin): He's already got a teammate, twerp.

The kid then turn to see Bat Knight

???(Robin): Is that your little dolly?

Young Babs: Bat Knight's no dolly, he's my side-kick. My back up. He's the bomb!

Then the kid then laugh in a sarcastic tone.

???(Robin): ""Da bomb!" Face it, bat shrimp. Batman don't want no little baby girls crampin' his style.

The boy wonder then use his grappling hook on a nearby rooftop.

???(Robin): So why don't you just go home and play with your little dolls?

He then laughs and swings away as Babs' father shows up. He then sees Babs and gets out of the car as she takes off her helmet.

Mr. Gordon: Barbara, what are you doing here?

Babs then turned to her father in tears.

Young Babs: Dad?

Mr. Gordon: It's okay, honey. Oh, this is all my fault. I never should have agreed to work in such a horrible, crime-ridden place.

Young Babs: But Dad--

Mr. Gordon: I'm gonna get you outta here, Barbara. Gotham City is no place for a family.

After the sequence.

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