Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 - He said to her with a smile, "Miss Cheng, is now a good time?" (2)

Other than Hu Tianhua, there were also something fishy over on the property management side. She gave them a call as well. This time the phone was picked up, but when Cheng Huan asked, she was told that the person who assisted was no longer an employee.

Cheng Huan, "......"

After following whatever leads that she had for half a day, she had gotten nowhere. She was exhausted both mentally and physically; what was worse was the fear for the unknown. She felt like there was a sword hanging over her head and she had no idea when it would fall.

XingXing, on the other hand, didn't pick up on any of Cheng Huan's emotions.

He played with himself for a while, felt hungry, so he stood up, brought over a little stool, washed his hands and sat down at the dinner table to wait for dinner.

After he had waited for a while and his mother still didn't show up, XingXing felt dubious. He rubbed his tummy and called out toward the living room's direction.

Cheng Huan rubbed her face and turned and saw that XingXing had already sat down at his designated spot and said to her while rubbing his tummy, "Mom, I'm hungry."

Cheng Huan, "......" Oh, shoot. She had forgotten to cook.

She stood up, embarrassed. She smiled at XingXing and walked into the kitchen without a word and started preparing dinner.

She had wasted too much time on thinking random thoughts and, worried that XingXing would get too hungry, Cheng Huan made something simple for dinner. She made half a pot of porridge and two pieces of egg pancakes.

The porridge was made out of shrimp with mushroom and green peas added. Inside the pure white porridge was pink shrimp and green peas. Combining that with the brown mushrooms, it looked very appetizing.

The porridge smelled very aromatic shortly after it started cooking. XingXing was already hungry and now he felt even more so with the aroma. He jumped off of his chair and followed behind Cheng Huan, asking every minute or two whether it was ready.

Cheng Huan felt even more guilty with his asking and felt that she was a failure as a mother.

She had failed to notice immediately when the ill-willed father immediately and allowed him further opportunity to get close to the child because she had forgotten about the time. And now she had forgotten to make dinner.

Aye. This was just getting worse and worse.

She cursed the wickedness of the male lead a few times to herself before she added some green onions on top of the pancakes and brought the food out.

XingXing was so hungry that he grabbed the food immediately as soon as they were out of the pot. He looked like he had been starved for days and now need to eat as much as possible.

Cheng Huan worried that he'd burn himself so she tore off a small piece, blew on it a few times, before she put it inside of his mouth.

XingXing started eating as soon as he received it and it didn't take him long to finish it. He wiped his mouth and gazed at Cheng Huan again.

"Mommy, I would like some more."

Cheng Huan tore another small piece for him.

Probably because he had been hungry for a while, XingXing had a very good appetite today and kept on asking for more. As guilty as Cheng Huan might feel, she wasn't going to just let him have as much as he had wanted. She refused him more when he had enough.

XingXing had been much braver lately. He tried to stealthily get himself more even after Cheng Huan had said no to him. When he was caught red handed, he gave Cheng Huan a teary look and said, "Mommy, you don't like me anymore."

Cheng Huan's face dropped and XingXing was a bit scared. Then he saw his mommy give him another half a piece with a tender look on her.

And he wasn't sacred anymore.

XingXing finally stopped after have one and a half egg pancake. He burped and finally said something different.

"Mommy, I am full." 

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